Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

Son, be my echo. Spread My Messages. Keep echoing My voice. My love descends to the bottom of your abyss of misery to reach you. My love forgets even the sorrows and offenses you have done to reach you and offer you my love and my divine friendship. But most of the time you despise Me, and then no one comforts Me. If you do not open the door of your heart to Me, My grace cannot save you. The love that is true is quick and ready in response, as was Mary's at the Annunciation, and does not expect to hear My voice a second time, but rather, it advances with the response. Love does not ask for time to calculate, because it simply does not know how to do it. Peace.
(Report-Marcos) "Then he spoke to me, blessed me and disappeared.