Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, January 1, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, in this new year I present myself again to you as Queen and Messenger of Peace. I will continue to come and bring Messages of peace, of prayer, of conversion, of penance, of holiness of obedience. of obedience to the Lord whom I adore.
This year I want to lead you as never before to holiness. I want to raise them to a very great degree of holiness. If you, my children, do not disturb me and if you do not offer me resistance, I will raise you to a high degree of holiness. Do not be afraid of the sufferings, nor of the trials that you may have this year, for My Heart . my Heart, which is your Shield, will always defend you as I have defended you until today. With the Holy Rosary you will overcome all trials, all sufferings. With the Holy Rosary you will achieve many Graces and even Miracles if you pray it with faith, with love, with perseverance and in complete conformity with the will of the Most High and with Mine. I wish you, my children, great things this year. I expect from you many sacrifices, much prayer, much spreading of My Messages, much spreading of the Meditated Rosary, of the Hour of Peace, of the Hour of Saint Joseph, of the Hour of the Holy Spirit, of My Messages, of My Apparitions. I wish you great courage. I wish you great love, great trust, great dedication, a great consecration of each one to my Immaculate Heart. Work hard without ever getting discouraged or tired, for My victory is certain and near, but it has not yet been achieved. Therefore, dear children, work tirelessly for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. To all I leave peace".
Message of Saint Águeda
"Dearly beloved brothers, I Eagle, servant of God and of Mary Most Holy, I love you, I defend you, I guard you and I guide you. Be saints. seek perfection. love God. with the pure, good and innocent Heart. Love God, selflessly. Love Him more than the people you love. Love Him more than yourself. Love Him more than all creation. Be firm and faithful to the Lord. I love you very much and I want to help you. Pray to me always, ask for my help and you will have it. In times of suffering, difficulty or temptation invoke me and you will see how you will triumph over sufferings and temptations because I will help them and I have been entrusted by the Lord and the Mother of God to defend her servants, especially the young. Pray, and I will always be your friend, companion and defender. Peace.