Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, December 25, 2006
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

I desire to unite myself to souls, but often I cannot, because they offer me obstacles. I could remove them by force, but such is not my will. I want souls to join Me freely and with the full contest of their free will. True devotion to Me must come from deep within the soul and be the fruit of the free and sincere desire to love Me and unite with Me. May the soul that wants to unite with Me draw near to Me and overthrow all the earthly affections outside its heart, which so impede and block My union with Her. To attain this grace, may the soul fervently turn to My Heavenly Wife, Mary, and She will grant you this great good, without which it is impossible for Me to be one with anyone. Pray the prayers to the Heart of Mary that ask for My descent into the world. Pray My Rosary, the Rosary contained in My Hour, even on the other days of the week, to invoke more My descent into the world so that I may act more in you and in humanity. Marcos, peace. Beloved Mine, be My echo and remain in My eternal peace.
(Report-Marcos) "Then he spoke to me, blessed me and disappeared.