Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 7, 2001
Apparition of Jesus and Mary Most Holy
Message of Our Lady

"-Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. the Lady of the Rosary. the Lady of Grace. the Lady of Light. My children, I have been with you for so many years, to help you endure your trials well, and to overcome them with love.
I have freed you from many dangers.
I have freed you from many pitfalls.
I have lifted you out of darkness.
I brought them into the light.
I transformed their souls, from the withered flowers they were, into living, fragrant flowers to please GOD.
I transformed their hearts, from a stone that they were, into a heart of flesh, docile and loving to GOD. During these years My hand has guided them along the path of prayer, purity, chastity, goodness and peace.
As a Teacher, I have taught them how to serve My Son, how to please Him, how to be close to Him, how to obey Him, and how to be faithful to Him.
As a Mother, I have warned them of the dangers that surrounded them. Of the dark and catastrophic situation in which the world finds itself. I did not leave them alone at any time. I have always been by their side, as Mother, as Teacher and as Companion.
These are ten years of gifts and graces that my Immaculate Heart has poured out on earth from here in Jacareí.
Here came the elect of my Immaculate Heart. Here will come the chosen ones of my Immaculate Heart
Here came many sinners, who were transformed into true children of GOD, into true children of my Immaculate Heart, and apostles of my Messages of LOVE.
Here came many souls, who were blackened by sin, and that I led to true repentance of the heart, and to the Sources of GOD's Mercy, in Holy Confession, and then in Holy Communion.
Here came many shaky and weak souls, whom I strengthened with my LOVE, my Mercy, and my Grace, making them courageous and ardent witnesses of my Messages.
O My children, thank GOD every day and at all times for the Great Grace He has given you of "My Presence here" for so many years. The Lord wanted me to appear here for so long, to show how great YOUR LOVE and YOUR Mercy is.
Jacareí will become the Great Pole that will attract all people, of all peoples and nations. All "souls of good will" will hear My Call, recognize My Voice, and come here to praise Me.
Jacareí will become a Great Source of Grace, where humanity will find medicine for its ills, Peace for its longings, comfort for its sorrows, and above all, Light for its paths.
Here, in My Sanctuary, I will make my Great Throne of Grace and Peace, from where no soul will leave empty hands, if I approach IT with confidence and LOVE for ME.
Pray for the world, My children, because it, like a misguided snowball, plummets more and more into the abyss of its destruction.
Pray, pray the Rosary every day, and live all the Messages that I have given you.
I have come here to generate. to form. and to lead many saints. and I will not return to Heaven until I can and produce with the Holy Spirit all these saints.
Be saints, My children. I invite all of you, but... the decision is up to each one of you...
I bless you with LOVE".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My chosen souls! I AM YOUR GOD, and I am with you. I love you. I want your salvation, and for this I ask you:
If you choose the "earth", you will perish with it.
If you choose Heaven and ME, I will save you.
You can no longer postpone your return until later, because the door of Mercy is already to be closed and sealed, and then the door of Justice is to be opened. and when it is opened, lightning and thunder will bring down the earth
I invite you to meditate on the POWER of MY Holy Blood. Pray the Litany of My Most Precious Blood every day. It is contained in the Book of "Our Messages" (from the Apparitions of Jacari) and it will be useful and easy for you to pray it every day.
Whoever prays the Litany of My Most Precious Blood:
-will not die a sudden death.
-He will not lose faith.
-If you fall into mortal sin you will rise quickly and be preserved in grace.
- I will protect your house from many dangers, and give you Peace.
- The devil flees from where the Litany of My Most Precious Blood is prayed.
I want souls to dedicate themselves more to My Sufferings...You despair because you do not meditate on My Sufferings...because you do not pray the Way of the Cross.
Know that My path was that of the Cross, and whoever wants to follow Me will have to suffer. No one will be able to escape suffering for long, because if he avoids it here, he will find it there. If he avoids it from the right, he will certainly find it from the left. So embrace the Cross, because it is the easiest and safest way to reach Heaven.
O my children, pray for France. I asked you this in many past Messages, but. you have not taken Me seriously. pray for her, because I have designs of LOVE on her, and I want to save her.
Pray for Latin America, which is being taken over by My enemy little by little, and he, My enemy, has installed in My Beloved Latin America violence, sin, sensuality, and above all, a great profusion of errors within My Church.
"Holy Things" are no longer treated as such. within the Church only spurious, useless, and worthless things are spoken of. and meanwhile, My Word is left in their oblivion, and souls suffer from hunger and thirst.
I feel sorry for My Church in Latin America, and I want to save it, but for this it is necessary that you pray, that you pray a lot, especially the Rosary of My Mother, because only she can save this immense continent.
Continue praying for the intentions that I have already asked you, especially for my suffering Pope John Paul II.
I ask you to pray the Rosary of Mercy daily, because whoever prays it, at the hour of death, will have my peace, and I will not be a judge for him, but a Merciful Savior.
Whoever prays the Rosary of Mercy, will live under my cloak and my heart, like a chick under his mother's wings.
Pray the Rosary of the Eucharist always, because my Heart is saturated with thorns and offenses, and sacrileges with which I am treated in the Eucharist.
Many sacrilegious Communions have been made on earth, and I AM martyred at every Holy Mass, for souls neither prepare themselves nor receive Me worthily. Therefore, My children, unite yourselves with My Mother, the Queen and Messenger of Peace, who is the Mother of Adoration and Reparation.
With her, take the thorns from me, through your love, your reparation, and your prayers perfumed with faith, devotion, and love for me.
I bless you, and I tell you that next month, which is the Anniversary of our Apparitions here, we will give you the Special Blessing.
We bless you now".