Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, December 25, 2000
Christmas of the Lord and Message of Our Lady

(Marcos Tadeu): On December 25, the Lord's Christmas, Our Lady appeared at midnight and a half. She was carrying the Child Jesus in her arms. They were both dressed in glowing gold and smiled a lot. She prayed with Marcos Thaddeus for world peace. Then there was a space of silence where Marcos Thaddeus could contemplate them at length. Then, Our Lady said:
"My children, live with me this Christmas in silence, in prayer, in depth, in the interior of the heart, and especially in the joy of contemplating the exalted mystery of a God who is born as a child to save the world.
"There is no greater love than that which gives its life for its friends. (Jn 15:12-14)
There is no greater love than that of Jesus, born as a child, to save poor sinners.
Today my Son Jesus comes with me to give peace to this place and to their hearts. Peace in their hearts! Peace in their souls!
Peace in every heart where good will reigns.
I wish that their hearts, this Night, may be a fragrant flower to give to my Son Jesus.
My Son does not seek in you greatness or anything that this world values. He seeks in you simply this: love!
He wants to be loved. He wants to be desired with all the strength of his soul and heart.
I come from heaven to earth in these times to prepare such hearts and such souls to give to my Son Jesus. Loving souls, praying souls, souls thirsty for Him.
My children, this night I invite you: Give your hearts to Jesus through Me, and He will gladly accept your offer. Much more. Much more joyfully than he accepted the offerings of the Magi, and even the adoration of the shepherds.
I invite you to be with me a crown of living flowers of love for the Child Jesus".
(Marcos Thaddeus): "She began to bless.
And soon after: "-They disappeared."