Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 8, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy

I am the Mother of Hope. I am the joy of those who suffer. I am the Balm of the wounded. Come to Me! dear children, and to all I will comfort. I will love. I will caress. I will give rest! and I will heal.
My Immaculate Heart (pause) is like a `Rio de Graças', which never stops running. Come without fear! to My Heart.
I am with you, and I love you very much. Together with Me, even the blackest soul of sins will become whiter than snow. for I will lead you (pause) to a perfect contrition for your sins. to a sincere penance for them. to a firm amendment of life. and to a great perseverance in Justice.
Pray the Rosary every day. Only in this way will I be able to help you".