Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 7, 2000
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My children. (pause) I have been with you for more than nine years to teach you the way of LOVE, prayer, and holiness.
Understand, that My heart is the `Refuge' that the Mother of Heaven has prepared for you all.
I have (pause) gone in search of My children, all over the world, and I have tried to gather them, in the `safe shelter' of My Heart, but. many of them, do not accept My LOVE. they do not want to give themselves to Me, nor do what I tell them. and that is why I am `striste', `magoate', and shed Painful Tears from My Eyes, seen in many Images from all over the world, as you see, in the Eyes of this Image*, which is here.
I invite each of you to reflect on the greatness of the Grace that GOD has given you (pause) to have with you for so long my Presence, and that of my Son Jesus. You have not known how to enjoy this Grace. You waste your days with useless things, you waste time with banal things, when you should pray, meditate on My Messages, and plunge into the depths of My Immaculate Heart, which reveals itself in these times, as never before, in the history of the world.
Therefore, little children, I invite you to sanctify your time, and to take advantage in a special way to convert now, which is the time of Grace, so that when this extraordinary time ends, you may be filled with joy, and with a calm conscience, that you have made the most of all that I have come to give you from Heaven (pause).
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of St. Michael the Archangel
Prince of Celestial Armies
"- I am Michael, Chief!! of the Celestial Militia. People of GOD Beloved, listen!! the Message that I bring you from the Holy Trinity.
Never has the Heart of GOD been so 'sad' with humanity, as in this generation (pause) of now, as in these present times in which you are living.
Never has the Heart of GOD been so 'disgusted' and sorrowful!! with the attitudes of man, as in these present times.
If men!! do not stop offending GOD, many pestilences and punishments (pause) will fall upon the world. Man offends GOD, with all his actions, words and thoughts!! without even one escaping. and this is what causes sadness!! and the Wrath of the Most High.
If men do not convert, the punishment will come, and do not say!! that it is GOD who is severe. It is men!! who have a heart of stone, evil, perverse, and full of hatred.
Satan has even deceived many good souls, (pause) by turning them away from the right path, to take shortcuts (pause) that will only lead to hell.
The Devil (pause) has even seduced many souls, even religious ones, and priests. Many of them preach!! that nothing else is sin. (pause) Many of them demean the Blessed Virgin!! to some woman, to whom one should not pay too much attention, nor exalt too much, nor resort too much. Many!! mock HIM when she appears, gives Signs, or cries, through YOUR Pictures.
Ah! but I tell you, these same ones who mock the Tears of Mary Most Holy!! will be the same ones who in the future (pause) will cry!! the same tears of blood of remorse, for not having believed in them.
Men!! have forgotten the WORD of GOD, denied the MILAGRES of OUR Lord Jesus Christ!! and the Supernatural Interventions of GOD, in Sacred History, and this is what makes the BRACE of the Most High!! so 'heavy'.
The Devil (pause) has made many souls fall in his maneuvers, while numbing some, finishing hardening the hearts of others, and blinding the eyes of others. Hate reigns, war reigns, the lack of religion and faith reigns!
Only a great onslaught of prayer, united to the prayers and atonements that the Immaculate Heart of Mary offers to GOD!! can save this poor and miserable humanity.
In these times, I have come!! before the Woman dressed in the Sun, to prepare Her way.
I defy the demons!!! (pause) I book many souls from the nets of sin!!! (pause) I lead them to the presence of this Lady, (pause) of whom I am a humble servant, so that she (pause) may save and lead this soul back to the Lord.
I am attentive, to the slightest of Your desires. The least Look of the Lady is at Me!! an order.
I want (pause) that you turn to Me with confidence, praying My Rosary every day, doing on Tuesdays special honors to Me, as pilgrimages to some Oratory or Chapel dedicated to Me, making novenas, spreading My medals throughout the world, so that I, St. Michael the Archangel, may have, (pause) more and more, openness and space among souls (pause) to act.
I am the `voice port' of the Most High, the Guardian of faithful souls. Whoever recommends himself to Me will be saved, for I will never abandon him.
Those who despise Me, those who forget Me, or who ignore Me, or who do not nourish any devotion to Me, will fall into many sins, because I cannot protect those who do not invoke Me. Therefore, O beloved people of GOD, hear this prayer, engrave it in your hearts, live it, and you will find Peace.
I am the Archangel who protects you and who must guide you into the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Come to me!! and I will never abandon you".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation!(pause) My Sacred Heart pours out on you today! My LOVE, and My Mercy.
Oh, how I sigh for souls who love Me!! disinterestedly. How it hurts Me to see that many souls approach Me!! with interests, wanting to take advantage!! of My Sovereign POWER, or even, trying to make Me an easy instrument!! to obtain temporal goods, or worldly things.
Generation!! understand that I AM ALL HOLY, and the prayers that are said to ME!! must also be (pause) `santas'. I cannot tolerate lying before ME!! nor falsehood.
So, generation, I don't want you to be like day!! and night. I want you to be one thing only.(pause) I want you to decide for ME. and not be lukewarm, because otherwise, I will vomit you from My Mouth.
I want (pause) that you burn with My LOVE. I want you to vibrate with My LOVE!! every day.
I have been looking for souls, all over the world, to accept My Precious Jewels, My Carnations, My Spear, My Crown of Thorns, but. the souls don't want Me to accept!! with My Passion. This is what fills My Heart with bitterness. To know that I have suffered so much!! for the souls, but they do not accept to suffer for ME.
This is what fills My Eyes with Tears, and makes My Throat and My Chest overflow with hiccups. To know that I gave My Own LIFE!! for everyone, but there is not even one!! that gives yours for ME.
Ah! how glad I am to see My MOTHER forming so many saints!! forming so many good, faithful and generous souls!! to present them one day, before Me.
Ah! My MOTHER. everything I give! All I give to You! Nothing I deny, I will never deny. I will never deny anything to those souls who love me!! by means of IT. May they serve Me!! through IT. and may they have their fixed abode!! in Your Immaculate Heart.
O my MOTHER, how much I LOVE YOU!! cannot be said. What else can I do for souls to understand, that I seek them with a LOVE without limits? That I seek them (pause) within Your Immaculate Heart? That I look for them (pause) through IT? CONTIGO? and in IT?
O My MOTHER.(pause) O My MOTHER. give me souls. give me pure souls!! give me small souls!! give me similar souls! to IT.(pause)
If only souls could understand (pause) the ocean of LOVE! If the souls understood (pause) the ocean!! of sanctity, which is My MOTHER, ah! they would turn to HER without delay, and HER would give themselves without reserve, so that HER would break the old and ruined image of their souls, to make the new image, beautiful, purified.
My MOTHER (pause) is the SECRET of the Saints. My MOTHER is the SECRET of Holiness, which I make known to those souls that I love.
O souls of the whole world, come here to Jacari, to the Feet of My MOTHER!! because here you will find Me, meek and humble of Heart, to relieve you of your burdens, to unload you of your weights, to relieve you and to heal your heart.
O souls of the whole world, come here to Jacari!! because here you will find ME, Merciful and Indulgent.
Come here, O souls, and you will find Me, as on the Cross, with Arms and Heart open to receive you, without distinction.
I love you all, and I give you my blessing. in the name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit. (great pause)".
Saint Michael the Archangel
"- People of GOD! I Saint Michael, I affirm to you with all, with all confidence! The days, the times of Satan (pause) are about to end.
The enemy will be shamefully crushed, humiliated, before all the Angels of GOD, by the Feet of THAT WHO IS THE MOTHER OF THE LIVING GOD!
Yes, the Most Holy, Powerful Mother of GOD will crush your proud head! and your reign over the world will be destroyed.
(long pause)
(Marcos) ". disappeared."