Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 12, 2000
Sanctuary of the Apparitions - Fountain, at 6:30 p.m.
Apparition of the Holy Family - Birthday of the Seer Marcos Tadeu

(Marcos): (Our Lady came all in gold, with a silver belt at the waist, with a butterfly ribbon, with no pendulous tips. On her neck she wore a 'large medallion' without any symbol; the Cloak was also golden, and went from the top of the Head to the Feet. On the right side of the Cloak there was a cross embroidered, and on the left side there was Pope John Paul II's emblem, his shield, with the inscription TOTUS TUUS.
The Child Jesus came as a `boy' of a year or so. He was wearing a golden Tunic and a Back Cover, also golden, however, during the Apparition HE spoke with the same `adult' Voice of Jesus, as I hear Him speak on the seven days.
St. Joseph came with a golden robe and a small white ribbon at the waist, with the ends falling to the side.
When the Holy Family appeared many Angels came. The Angels said:)
(The multitude of Angels) "Praise the Three Hearts: - of Jesus, Mary and Joseph!"
(Marcos) "- May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!"
(Child Jesus) "- Praise be to the Hearts of my Most Holy Mother, and my Most Chaste Adoptive Father Saint Joseph!"
(Marcos) "- May St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin be praised forever!"
(St. Joseph) "- Praise forever be the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
(Marcos) "- May Jesus and Mary be praised forever!"
(Our Lady) "- Praise be to my Son Jesus and my Most Chaste Bridegroom Saint Joseph!"
(Marcos) "- May our Lord Jesus Christ and St. Joseph be praised forever!" (Our Lady talked to me about some personal things, Jesus and St. Joseph too. Among these things, they told me not to worry about false seers who slander me, about people who stop believing and go out cursing and wanting to convince others. Our Lady told me not to worry about any of these things. She said to me:)
(Our Lady) "- There is nothing that 'comes from outside' that can stain you, so don't worry about it.
(Marcos): (HIM still told me that they have not yet done even a third of what they intend to do in Jacareí, HIM want to grant even more Graces).
(Our Lady) "- My son, happy birthday!"
(Child Jesus) "- Happy Birthday, well beloved!"
(St. Joseph) "- Happy Birthday, beloved!"
(Marcos): (I was embarrassed, not knowing what to say, because I know myself, and I know that I have countless faults, and that I have not yet given everything, everything of myself, everything that I can give in the `service' of Our Lady and Our Lord.
So, if I thanked, I would be accepting. On the other hand, if I didn't thank, I would be a failure! Then, I think Our Lady saw the embarrassment, and, taking the floor, she said:)
(Our Lady) "- WE have come today to give you a blessing, a blessing only for you!
(Marcos) "- But how so? Won't the others be blessed?"
(Our Lady) "- Yes, they will be. but today, WE have a Blessing just for you".
(Marcos): (Our Lady, Jesus and St. Joseph stretched out their Hands, and they remained praying for me in silence, and when they finished praying, a `white' LIGHT came from Our Lady's Hands over my head; a `red' LIGHT from the Hands of the Child Jesus, and a `gold' LIGHT from the Hands of St. Joseph. The Child Jesus looked at me with his blue eyes and said:)
(Child Jesus) "- You will receive my Body and my 'LIVE' BLOOD at the end of this Apparition. Ask my Holy Mother and my Holy Adoptive Father to prepare you to receive me worthily".
(Marcos): (I asked this of the Blessed Virgin and of St. Joseph, and THEY signaled to me with their Head that yes, they would help me, prepare me). (Our Lady) "- I am very happy to be on your birthday once again.
(Marcos) "- Thank you. Today is one of my most beautiful birthdays". (Then there followed the Messages that Our Lady, the Child Jesus, and St. Joseph wanted to transmit to me and to everyone present.)
Message of Our Lady
"- Dear children.(pause) Today, I give you Peace. I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. Today Heaven rejoices, and so does My Heart, for the life of My Beloved Servant, who during all these years, faithfully, has transmitted OUR Messages to all souls of good will. The LOVE, the Tenderness, and the Affection, have been poured out upon all of you, upon all the souls who have ever come here. first of all, into the heart of this My Beloved Son, and then, into all the others. How much OUR Sacred Hearts LOVE him, it is impossible to say with words. although he is weak, and has faults and sins like any of you. Everything that we have done in the life and soul of this Beloved son of mine, Marcos Thaddeus, has been to prove to you how much WE LOVE you all, and how much WE `want', night and day, to save all of you. What he already sees 'before his face', will be what you will all see one day, in Glory, if you remain faithful to all that GOD has communicated here, 'in this place'. Be faithful, be pure, be holy. pray a lot! lead a life full of prayer and sacrifice. Put into practice all that I have told you, and one day your hearts will `explode' with joy, as you contemplate US in the Glory of Heaven. Rejoice! because I have called you all `here', to mark you on your soul with My Sign, the Sign of LOVE, the Sign of Faith, and of Peace."
Message of the Child Jesus, Our Lord
"- My beloved people. My Sacred Heart (pause) LOVES you! and full of LOVE and Tenderness, expands in this instant to pour Peace, LOVE, and LIFE! on you. I desire that your hearts look upon all that I have done, and upon all that I and my Holy Mother, my Angels and my Beloved Adoptive Father St. Joseph, have done and said to this beloved son of ours, and for so many `wonders', render us Glory. Surrender Glory to my Sacred Heart! because my Plan, though fought and persecuted, is being realized in this soul, and in the soul of all hearts of good will that come here. I AM unbeatable! and Satan cannot defeat Me. My TRIUMPHER is imminent! and that is why this My beloved son will see (pause) My Glorious TRIUMPHER. and many of you will also see Him. i am the god of love! I LOVE YOU! I love you. and I want your hearts to be always docile, like that of a `small' child, for only in this way will I be able to fulfill My Will in you! and annihilate yours. Whoever does not do as a child and does not renounce his own will to do Mine! will not be saved. Those who do not obey the Voice of My MOTHER like a `child' obeys her mother's smallest wishes! will not be saved. Those who do not listen to OUR Messages, and even more! those who criticize and persecute OUR Messages, for pure evil and vileness! will not be saved. Those who refuse to obey Me! will not be saved. I am calling this corrupt generation, but it does not listen to Me. I have come with my MOTHER and my Saints and Angels, again to this world, to save the children we love so much, but. we are not heeded. I desire! `health', and that you answer YES! to everything we have communicated to you so far. Make a cave in this place! to honor my MOTHER. Place Your Holy Image in Her! Pray the Rosary here, every day. so that the Graces that we want to grant through this `Water', may spread all over the world. Come here in procession! Come here singing and praying, with candles in your hands! and you will all come out full of Peace and a LIGHT that exceeds all the light already known, until today. This LIGHT! is the 'FIRE' of LOVE that burns in the Heart of my Holy Mother. This LIGHT comes from this `Call'! This LIGHT! is My Holy Spirit. I give you Peace. May your hearts be in Peace, and serve my Heart night and day, through the Heart of my Mother! and my Chaste Adoptive Father Saint Joseph".
Message of St. Joseph, Most Chaste Adoptive Father of Our Lord
"- Little children, I, your Protector, your Guardian and Sustainer, Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin and the Adoptive Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! I greet you and ask you: Pray! Pray! Pray! Do not worry about those who have fallen along the way, and who rebel against US! This was already known to GOD, and known to Our Hearts! all the time. Do not worry! This is part of the 'bad time' in which you live. Trust! Hope! Forward! Do not be discouraged before those who curse Us! Pray! Before those who persecute Us! Jejuai! Do penance! and the devil cannot reach you. If you want to be protected by Me in all time and place, pray! pray to My Most Loving Heart! and He will be your 'shield', and your 'fortress'. I wish that your hearts will always be at peace. You are not alone, carrying your cross. I am with you! The Blessed Virgin, my Most Beloved Wife! is with you. and OUR Lord Jesus Christ, no one is left alone. Come down now, `balm and comfort' upon your hearts. I am the One who 'protected' the Blessed Virgin and the Incarnate Word. I am the One who 'protects' the Church and all of you! from all the attacks of Satan. The Grace that Heaven has bestowed on Jacari will not be bestowed on any other place in this world. Here! will be the 'Altar of the World'. Here! OUR TRIUMPHARY HEARTS. The `fences' and the `barriers', which the world arms against OUR apparitions here, will be of no use. All of them will be overthrown by the Almighty Lord, and the TRUTH will always shine. Here will be the Heavenly Garden of the Most Holy Virgin, of the Most Sacred Heart of OUR Lord Jesus Christ! and of my Most Loving Heart. May you all come here on the first Saturdays of the month, to venerate and to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of my Beloved Spouse, the Virgin Mary. (pause) On the first Friday of each month! to make reparation to the Heart of OUR Lord Jesus Christ. (pause) And on the first Sunday, to make reparation to my Most Loving Heart, this Heart that 'fought' on my breast on earth! and that is still 'unbroken', awaiting the Day of the Resurrection. I am your Protector! I love you! and I want to help you. Pray, pray! and pray."
(Marcos): (Then the Holy Family told me)
(Child Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph, all together) "- Ask of Us what you will, which will be given to you.
(Marcos): (I raised my gaze to HIM, and an interior motion came to me and I said:
"- I wanted to ask that all the people who are here today receive the grace of salvation and go to Heaven! they answered:)
(Our Lady) "- For some, yes!"
(Child Jesus) "- For others, not yet.
(St. Joseph) "- They need to amend themselves, to correct themselves! to change their lives. and then we can take them all to Heaven".
(Marcos): (Smile at HIM and HE said:
"- Thank you." They smiled and told me that after the cave of Our Lady is built, many more cures will happen, in view of what is happening now. Our Lady said:)
(Our Lady) "- The 'hour' has come!" (Child Jesus) "- You will receive my body and my blood!"
(Marcos): (St. Joseph began to pray, and I accompanied him:)
(St. Joseph) "- Lamb of GOD, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of GOD, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
(Marcos): (And in the last part, when I said: Lamb of GOD, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on me.
Saint Joseph did not pray, I prayed alone. Then I was inspired by this prayer to Our Lady:
"O Most Holy Virgin, take away my heart and put Your Immaculate Heart in its place, to receive Your Son and to keep Him, keep it and love it in me".
The Child Jesus was with His Heart covered up all the time during the Apparition. At that moment the Heart of the Child Jesus appeared in His Chest, and He began to let out Flames, and placing His Hand in the Heart took out a Host from which many Flames also came out; it was an 'abrasada' Host. The Child Jesus then said to me:)
(Child Jesus) "Behold My Body. Behold My BLOOD which you will receive for your salvation and for the conversion of poor sinners".
(Marcos) (Our Lady knelt down and began to pray the prayer:)
(Our Lady) "- My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I LOVE YOU. I ask forgiveness for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You".
Marcos: (St. Joseph was as if ecstatic, contemplating that Host. Our Lady stood up, St. Joseph knelt down.
She took off the band that was on her waist, folded it, placed it under the Host that Our Lord was holding. He came to the middle of the Fountain Water Reservoir, and said to me;)
(Child Jesus) "Behold My Body and My BLOOD. Receive Him, receive Him! with faith in your heart".
(Marcos): (I responded, "Amen. The Child Jesus released the Host, which was 'floating' in the air toward me, and Our Lady came accompanying the Host 'in footsteps', and with the band folded just below. Then I showed my tongue, and the Host landed on my tongue. Our Lady continued with the cloth close to my chin, so that no fragment of the Holy Body of Jesus would fall.
I felt a 'presence' so overwhelming that it seemed like I was going to 'explode' at that moment; I felt a FIRE inside me that I have no words to explain.
When I opened my eyes a few moments later, the Child Jesus had disappeared. So I asked:
"-Where is Our Lord?")
(Our Lady) "-He is in your heart!(pause) Every time you receive Him in the Holy Eucharist, with Faith and LOVE, HE 'will' leave His Throne of Grace, and dwell in your heart, and YOU will be 'ONLY'".
(Marcos): (The Angels who were around the Holy Family during the Apparition came to my side, knelt around me, and began to pray in adoration of Jesus, and I also began to pray.
Our Lady and St. Joseph Kneeled. I prayed, "My God, I believe, I adore. My God, my God, I love You, I adore You in the Blessed Sacrament.
Then St. Joseph and Our Lady got up from their kneeling position, said goodbye to me, and began to rise, passing over the Cross of Dozulé, until they disappeared; then the Angels got up and went the same way as THEY).
Chapel of the Apparitions - at 10:30 pm - Second Apparition of Our Lady
(Marcos): (Our Lady came very happy, in the same garb as the previous Apparition. I asked her what she wanted from me. She invited me to pray an Our Father for the intentions of all the people present and their families. Then she invited me to pray an Our Father for my personal sanctification. Then she said:)
(Our Lady) "- Take your Medal of Peace and raise it up, because I want to bless you.
(Marcos): (I took my Medal, I put it in the palm of my hand, I lifted up Our Lady, and She drew the Sign of the Cross, and asked me to wear it, because the Promises of the Medal of Peace will surely come true, first in my life, and then in the lives of all those who wear it with Faith and Devotion, and that I should never separate myself from My Medal of Peace. I promised Our Lady that I would do so.
When she finished blessing, she asked me to stand up, put myself on tiptoe, and raise the Medal as high as I could, to Her, so that She could `kiss Him. So I raised the Medal as high as I could, She lowered herself, and then `kissed' the Medal, and said:)
(Our Lady) "- This Medal came out of the 'entrails'! of My Mercy. Wherever this Medal is, I will be 'LIVE'! and the Miracles of my Immaculate Heart will be abundant, for those who wear it with devotion.
You, My Son, `shout' to the whole world, even if you do not want to hear, `shout' that My Medal of Peace is the greatest gift of My Heart! that I give for this 20th century".
(Marcos) "- Thank you Madam." (Then I returned to my place and told Him:)
"- I am immensely grateful for the Message that Our Lord and St. Joseph gave me this afternoon.
I ask for the Grace of being faithful to this Message and all the others that I have received, and of serving and loving You every day of my life.
Forgive me for my sins and my shortcomings, and grant me the Grace of making Yourself more known than I have done up to now, of the `nothing' I have done up to now".
(Our Lady) "- You remember when We first met. You remember how you did not recognize Me, how you only heard My Voice, and did not know that it was I who spoke to you?
(Marcos) "- I remember.
(Our Lady) "- You remember the Second Apparition, when I showed myself to you, but you didn't know yet that I was the Virgin Mary?
(Marcos) "- I remember."
(Our Lady) "- Do you remember those first persecutions when they ran after you to want to beat you, when they wanted to put you in a madhouse, when everyone spoke ill of you, even the priests, who did not believe?
(Marcos) "- I do remember!
(Our Lady) "- Do you remember when people didn't believe, and threw stones at your house, and you thought you couldn't stand it?
(Marcos) "- I remember all of this, yes, Madame".
(Our Lady) "Well, my son, I didn't tell you that time, that you would endure everything, and that you would win everything by my side? (Marcos) "Yes, I remember the Lady spoke to me.
(Our Lady) "Well, your trials today are no different. You will overcome all of them, and you will bear them all for My LOVE.
Alone, you can do nothing, but with My Grace! you can do everything. even what you can't imagine".
(Marcos) "- I thank you very much for all the 'strength' you have given me. If you had not appeared to me, perhaps by this time, I would already be doomed".
(Our Lady) "- Thank God who loved you so much and sent me to you, to lead you along the road to sanctity, and to lead the others who come here to conversion and sanctification.
Get up and come to me, because I want to give you the `Beijo' that I give you every year on this day".
(Marcos): (Our Lady, smiling, made a sign for me to approach. I got very close to her. She came down very low, so that she stayed `face to face' with me, but did not touch the ground.
She came. Then I closed my eyes, and she printed four `Kisses' on my forehead, making a Sign of the Cross. I felt that I was suspended in the air, I didn't feel that I was in this world anymore. Then Our Lady walked away. So I asked:
"- May I kiss Your Holy Feet?" )
(Our Lady) "- Yes, you can; you can kiss!"
(Marcos): (I didn't know how I would do it, because she had moved away a little bit. Then she made a sign with her head that I could, with my hands, take her holy feet and bring them closer to my lips.
When I did that, She approached `inteira'. I looked at Her Little Feet `white' and `delicate' and kissed them. I felt like a `shock', and as if everything I had in me came out, and a LIGHT, a Presence, a new Peace came in.
I went back to my place and got down on my knees")
(Our Lady) "- You must be a Saint, and a great Saint. and all who are here must also be Saints, and great Saints.
I am here for this, I have been here for so many years for this! This is what binds me to Jacari: - it is to sanctify souls, to raise them to a high degree of perfection! I am here to make a 'School of Saints', and I want to form Saints for my Son Jesus. That is why I want you to make every effort, and I want everyone here too, to make every effort to reach holiness. My apparitions here will not be in vain! I will go out of here toward heaven with great Saints.
(Marcos): (Our Lady spoke to me about the FIFTH SECRET, which concerns only me, smiled, looked at the people present, placed Her Hands on the Chest, and began to rise toward Heaven, and disappeared).