Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, February 11, 2000
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Chapel of the Apparitions, 6:30 p.m.
Message of Mary Most Holy
"- I Am! the Immaculate Conception. From heaven I came, and in the poor cave of Massabielle, I showed myself to my `Filhinha' Bernadette, who was looking for firewood there, near the Gave River. I am the Immaculate Conception. I am all Pure! all Beautiful! all Full of Grace. Since then, I have opened my Mother Heart, to pour Graces of 'endless Love' on humanity. From the Grotto of Lourdes, I make my Almighty `appel' echo all over the world: Penance!!! Penance!!! Penance!!! Pray for the conversion of sinners!!! From the Grotto of Lourdes I cast My Mother's invitation to all the men of the world: - Come and drink to the Fountain, to wash you in it. In the `Source of my Immaculate Heart', I invite you to wash yourselves, to drink, to nourish yourselves, so that you may give the world a perfect and courageous testimony of my Son Jesus, and of myself. From the Grotto of Lourdes, I send to the whole world my Vibrating Mother's Cry: "Do not offend GOD, O Lord! who has already been too much offended. If you live the Messages I gave you in Lourdes so many years ago, and that I give you here in Jacareí, the 'New Lourdes' of today! My Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPHER. first in your hearts, then in your families! and then in the whole world. Do not worry about those who fall, or who get lost, or who give up obeying My Voice. Judas also did not obey the Voice of My Son until the end. This has to happen, so that the good ones will really be tested in the `fire' and the `cadinho' of suffering, humiliation and obedience. I am with you! and I bless you. Pray, that you may resist the main temptation of the demon 'in these times', which is not to obey My Voice, and (the voice) of those I have chosen. I bless you with all my LOVE. in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".