Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 8, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy

You must now turn to prayer, to deep prayer, to silence and meditation, so that the Graces of yesterday will not be lost! Do not allow your hearts to be emptied.
Second Apparition - at 10:30 p.m.
"- I wish that you pray for those countries that I mentioned in the Message of December 8, 1994. I want you to pray for those countries, and above all, to offer for their conversion, prayers and sacrifices.
I also wish that during the coming days you pray with greater constancy and fervor the Seven Rosaries that I taught you, to bring sinners back to GOD. Pray also for the families, who have been shattered and destroyed by the bad examples of the world.
Satan will be extremely 'angry' at your prayers for families, so he will cause you feelings of tiredness, fatigue, discouragement and discouragement, but keep praying, even feeling 'those things' that will soon pass away, and your prayer will cross Heaven and touch the Heart of GOD.
I am with you, and I will strengthen your prayer with my Mother's Prayer".