Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, January 7, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children.(pause) I am with you again here, and I ask you to open your heart, and welcome My Message.
I am the Lady of the Rosary! I invite you to pray the Rosary. I insist, I ask, I beg for more prayer of the Rosary!
Meditate more often on the Passion of Jesus! Reflect on the 'Sufferings' of My Son.
I want to ask you, during this month of January, to reflect on the entire chapter of Matthew 6. Read this chapter several times, many times! until you understand that man was made to seek only GOD. "You cannot serve two masters.
Reflect on this throughout this month, and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your hearts, so that your lives may truly change. and move from darkness to light.
Wear My Medal of Peace with Confidence, LOVE and Devotion. How happy I am to see that today, thousands of My children are taking A home to wear it over their hearts. It gives me so much joy and comfort! I will be able to shed many Graces through these Medals, and in many places, many conversions will take place. I want you to continue praying for the Pope, (pause) for the sanctification of the Church, for the conversion of sinners, especially for atheists.
I want you to take My Messages to all the places in the world that you can reach.
The 'time' of the devil is ending. His days are numbered. and my Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPH!
Courage! Forward! I am with you!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"Generation! your Merciful Lord Speaks to you!!! The Flames of My Mercy(pause) demand that I pour them out on souls.
"I'm looking for docile. meek. `small' souls. where I can pour out my LOVE, but. even though I travel all over the world, I can't find a dozen of them. and that's why so many Graces that come out of my Heart. come into the world! and don't have welcome. (it is) because the hearts are closed, blinded by pride and selfishness. hardened by materialism, and by the lack of Faith. and then, many souls get lost. for not receiving My LOVE.
The soul that I LOVE. that I LOVE the most! is the one that LOVES Me the most.(pause)
Love Me! Love Me with all your soul! and I will love you with all my Soul.
Love Me with all your heart! and I will love you too. with all my heart.(pause)
Continue praying the Rosary of Mercy every day, especially at three o'clock in the afternoon, which was the time, on the Cross. consummate My Martyrdom of LOVE, saying: `Father! in YOUR Hands, I commit My Spirit. everything is consummated.
Kneel with the Mother of Mercy, at the Feet of my Cross, to adore the GOD of LOVE, who gives Himself for men.(pause)
Generation, remain faithful to My Church. Be My Holy People! Do not listen to those who, with cunning proposals, want to distance you from Me. Do not let your heart (pause) lean to the side of the devil and his followers. Remain in the TRUTH!!! Meditate and reflect on My WORD, night and day.
I want every soul to practice all that they have heard here from My Part, from My Mother's Part, from My Adoptive Father Saint Joseph, and from My Angels and Saints.
Jacareí was a `chosen land' for Heaven to be glorified here. Although we have many enemies here, all of them in time will fall under the Force of My Arm. OUR TRIUMPHARY HEARTS!
I wish that the WORDS Heaven has sent to this place. run the world, and bring many souls to meet Me.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".