Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Saturday, March 6, 1999

Message of Our Lady


My children, I rejoice that My day has come! I ask you to pray and bring My children who will come, My Light. Through prayer, each of you can bring My Light to others!

May you transmit My Messages tomorrow. Transmit My Peace through word, prayer, and life example! I am with you and I accompany you with my grace so that you can accomplish everything.

It is my desire to give Thanks. to give more and more! It's a pity that I don't find open souls to receive My LOVE. If you open your heart completely, I have much more to give you! And the more you have, the more I will have to offer you.

Pray and trust in My Heart! I am the one who directs your steps! I am the one who directs all events!

Tell My children that tomorrow at noon I will be here as I did last month. At the close of the Siege of Jericho, I will come to bless all the people who have done so, and also to bless all My children who are here.

Tomorrow is a Thanksgiving, so I will appear more than once! I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".

Second Apparition, 10:30 p.m.

"- Always remember: - with prayer, the LIGHT of GOOD overshadows evil! I wish that you, to whom I have invited to follow Me more closely, dedicate your whole day to Me tomorrow with prayers and sacrifices".



