Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, March 5, 1999
Message of Our Lady

My children, there have always been evil people in this world. Do not let yourselves be beaten by this!
Why this affliction, My son?
Didn't I promise you daily protection and assistance?(pause) My enemies will be crushed under My feet! The punishment of the wicked is already prepared.
It was a small carelessness what happened, but nothing that insulted Me, the punishment is already prepared. What is HOLY, cannot be blasphemed. The bad will be punished, and the good will possess the land.
I don't want this to take away your Peace. Pray! With prayer, you will be able to keep the Interior peace, necessary for prayer*. Pray now even more for My Plans!"
* (Note - Marcos): (I understood that Our Lady wanted to say that from her own prayer comes the Peace that is needed to pray with the heart, in intimate communion with GOD. Without Peace, Our Lady has said many times, we can feel neither GOD nor HE.
Therefore, when our problems seem too much, when they want to suffocate us, let us not say that we no longer have Peace to pray, because it is only by praying that we will recover Peace, and with it we can pray again with the heart).