Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, September 19, 1997
Message of Our Lady

Dear and beloved children, I come here as Queen and Messenger of Peace, bringing Peace to you all. Do not worry about anything, because you will all be protected by Me.
I love you all. Do not worry about the end of time, because if everyone is with Me, praying My Holy Rosary and without sin, they will have My protection.
Continue praying. Then you will have nothing to fear.
Do not try to understand My Mysteries, nor My designs, because they will change according to your prayers and My Will. My Plans change, confess your prayers.
Do not doubt or question My Plans, because I will change them if necessary. I ask only that you pray the Rosary every day, so that Your prayers reach My Hearts, like a song of birds.
Their hearts are in the palm of My Hand, pulsing. I ask you to open your hearts to the Holy Spirit, so that He may purify them.
I love you all, and don't worry about anything, because I will always be with you!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.