Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, September 17, 1997
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I come here today to tell you, if you all pray with love as you prayed today, my Son will penetrate into the heart of everyone, as is reflected in this image, in my Immaculate Heart.
(Note - Marcos): (This is a sign that occurred on this day when people saw the Sacred Face of Jesus clearly visible within the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in the image of Our Lady)
Open your hearts to Jesus, for He wants to enter them! Pray with much love and with much faith.
The difficult times are coming, so I ask you to redouble your prayers, so that you can face the tribulations that are coming. Double your prayers. Pray with much Faith! Pray for love, not for obligation, so that you may become strong to overcome the tribulations that are to come.
I ask everyone to pray the Rosary of Mercy always, asking for the Mercy of Jesus. I ask all of you to go to the tabernacle, and pray before Jesus, so that HE can come closer to you, and thus become more intimate with HIM; so that when you cry out the Holy Spirit, HE will come to wash and take away all the sins from your hearts.
This coming Sabbath, My Son Jesus will pass among all of you, touch and heal many wounds in your hearts. He will be the doctor, and I will be the nurse.
I will help My Son remove all the impurities from your hearts, so I ask you to pray more, pray with love. Dedicate more to your prayers, so that the Holy Spirit of GOD may enter your hearts!
I love you all. Live My Messages! I leave a deep peace in your hearts.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Go in the Peace of the Lord, and may HE accompany you".