Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, March 24, 1994
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos): (The Lady appeared in the afternoon. She said that we should keep praying for Her Maternal Plans to come true, and that the devil can do nothing to hinder the Plans that Jesus and She made to save souls. She asked for the Rosary. Her garments shone and waved, shaken by the wind. The wind suspended the white belt. She said:)
"Dear children, today I come to ask you for more prayer. Satan wants to hinder My Plans and make them abandon My Service, thinking that I am not the one doing all this.
Don't be discouraged, My children! Keep praying, more and more intensely! Jesus and I have made many plans about you to save souls. Pray the Rosary! for them to be saved".
(Marcos): (I asked him about the strong temptations we were feeling in the prayer group. The Blessed Virgin spoke:)
"- These temptations come from the enemy, in order to discourage them and take them out of prayer. Jesus awaits your prayers, and if you become discouraged, you will not pray anymore.
No, children! Never stop praying! Pray more and more intensely when you feel his presence! I will come to your rescue and relieve you.
(Marcos): (She disappeared. We finished the prayer. In the evening, however, she appeared again and spoke like a Mother to the prayer group, comforting, encouraging and correcting us. Thank you, Mother of Heaven).