Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, March 23, 1994
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos): (Our Lady appeared at 10:50pm. I was talking to friends, near the house, from where we can see the Mount of Apparitions. Suddenly, Our Lady appeared, on top of a canopy of trees, and I was still on the street.
I knelt down and saw her at the top of the hill. She spoke to me, and I could hear her clearly, as if she were standing next to me, as in all the other Apparitions. She said:)
"My son, praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Marcos): (I answered as always, "- Forever be praised!" She gave a message to a priest. Then she gave a Message to the people of the prayer group and the whole world)
"My children, you have answered my request to pray. I feel 'happy', and I feel a Mother very comforted by you.
Wipe from Me the Sorrowful Tears that humanity squeezes out. My children, I send you a 'spiritual daisy' as a symbol of my inexhaustible LOVE.
Pray on the Mount with all fervor! I appear here, now, to show you that I am always here. Your prayers have 'power'!
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".