Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 1, 1994
At 06:00 A.m.
Message of Our Lady

My children, I am the Mother of endless Love! In this year that begins, I, the Queen of Peace, come to ask you to give Jesus your hearts!
I am the Queen and the Messenger of Peace! I come to bring you from Heaven the Message of LOVE, Hope and Salvation! Yes, because after the 'horrible scourges' that humanity 'will have to go through', I will bring salvation and Peace to My children!
OUR Hearts United and Bound, that of Jesus and Mine, so full of Peace and LOVE, will TRIUMPHER in the world and bring Peace to you!
Therefore, a 'great strength' of prayer and reparation is needed. Pray the Rosary (of Peace) every day, for the Peace of the world and the conversion of all poor sinners! Pray a lot so that GOD may enlighten your lives!
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
(Marcos): (On this day, the Virgin Mary communicated:)
"From now on, I am going to give you Twenty Messages, which I wish, to be received with all haste. Pray that my Son may be 'glorified' by them! My children, welcome My Messages with LOVE! Try to live them with sincerity of heart! Never let the evil of the world paralyze you!
My children, these Messages, I wish that they be spread with great haste so that GOD can help you. My children, it is time to go out and fight! Therefore, communicate quickly all that I give you".
(Marcos): (During these days of January, the Lady occupied herself only with the Twenty Messages that were written.)