Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 1, 1994
First Message

"My children, for a long time now, I have been informing you about the consequences of your sins, today so grave and horrific.
Satan is proclaiming victory in the world, because he sees that few are those who face him through prayer. My children, that is why this very important Message is about the HOLY ROSARY.
Pray the Holy Rosary, my dear children, every day! From Lourdes I have been reminding you of this urgent and desperate My Call. After the Holy Mass, which is the greatest prayer, which brings Me closer to you, the Rosary has so much 'power'! and that is why it is the second means, which most unites you with Me.
The Rosary has so much 'power', children, that when you pray it, Satan is so powerless, that he is forced to go back to hell, such is the 'power of Heaven' that crushes his evil. The devil can't stand the 'perfume' that spreads the prayer of the Holy Rosary. and the LIGHT that he scatters overshadows, for Satan is the prince of all darkness.
Children, now that you recognize how much I love the Rosary, the Power and Strength of the Holy Rosary, put it in your hearts! Pray the Rosary every day. No Grace, as impossible as it may seem, cannot be obtained by praying My Rosary, prayed with LOVE.
My children, pray the Rosary with me every day!"