Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, December 15, 1993
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today I come to invite you to 'True' LOVE. Pray the Rosary, dear children, and surrender yourself to my Heart! Pray the Rosary as I asked you yesterday, so that you may be preserved from the dangers of the world.
Pray for Russia! Pray a lot for the sinful world. The threat of World War III now hangs over your heads. A great amount of weapons will begin to be manufactured at one point on Earth.
Dear children, the rulers of the earth need a lot of prayer, because Satan is going to ask them for their hearts, (the hearts of the rulers) and if they do not have GOD's protection, a lot of suffering will begin to come upon the earth. How men will suffer!" (Marcos): (Our Lady showed a great bloody field and a great bombardment. She added, with sad eyes:)
"- Announce to all My children, this My afflicted Message, as soon as possible! Satan will rise to the highest ranks and make much suffering happen.
Those who pray, who fast, who above all commune, who confess, who live in the LOVE of GOD, will be protected by Me with all the Graces necessary for salvation.
When everything is 'dark' and completely without solution, My children will be guided by My Mother LIGHT, and will have the 'right course' to follow.
Pray the Rosary every day, My little children! Like the Mother who puts her children in her arms, My dear children will be protected in My Cloak in the midst of the 'horrible scourges' that are to come down on earth.
Look for the Messages soon, for by the time you look for them, it may be late. My children, pray the Holy Rosary every day! My children, use the Scapular of Mount Carmel, or the Medal of the Mystical Rose, or the Miraculous Medal, or even the one I gave you and taught you here, as protection against Satan. Pray the Rosary!
I bless you with the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".