Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, December 13, 1993
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dear children, today I come to call you to a 'true' LOVE, pleasing to GOD! Convert, dear children, and return to GOD, seeking Him through prayer.
Pray for the world, dear children, pray for world peace and the conversion of humanity!
Armageddon will begin to happen! (Sup. 16, 12-16) My children, the future of the world now depends on your prayers and your conversion.
My children, I want you to pray. Sacrifice yourselves and do penance for sinners! In fact, I am Mary, the Mystical Rose Incarnate! Pray the Rosary every day for my TRIUMPHER and for Peace to come, the Age of LOVE and Mercy that I will bring!
Everything I could and can do I have already done and am doing. My dear children, seek conversion and live the LOVE of GOD! I have told you this so many times already. My maternal regrets touch them and move them to prayer and penance.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" (Marcos): (I touched the Mother of Jesus, kissing His Holy Feet. The Dear Mother, with Her immense affection, said to me:)
"- Son, be humble! Believe in My Infinite Mother LOVE! Give Yourself totally to Me.
My son, I chose you to be My Messenger, a Prophet of My LOVE. Pray as much as you can, and give yourself to Me".