Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, this is the time to follow the Lord's holy path, obeying his divine call, without ever looking back. Look always ahead, to the Heart of my Son, which shines with love for you and for the whole world, but by many is neither loved nor adored.
My son, there will come great changes within the Church that will make the Heart of my Divine Son bleed, by the errors they will teach souls who will lose faith and grow cold in their love for my Son Jesus, having no more respect for him or for the holy works of God. The love and respect for the Sacred will almost disappear from the world, if the Lord did not spare his little remnant that will worship and serve him by living their faith and their fidelity to the Church of my Son through crosses, pains and persecutions.
The union and prayer of my present prophets is necessary, in these difficult and cruel times, when Satan through his evil agents, makes war against the holy works of God, wanting to silence and destroy every site of my heavenly manifestations made by me on earth, for the good and salvation of many of my children.
Do not be silent. Tell this also to your other brothers. The truth must be proclaimed with strength and with courage. Trust in the Lord's words and promises, because they are always fulfilled for the liberation of his people and good of his devoted servants, who have always been united to his Divine Heart and entered into his divine thought, to understand and carry out his Divine Will in this world.
Just as the waters of the oceans and seas are abundant, so will the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit be in abundance for those who remain faithful to the Lord, his holy words and eternal truths. The Holy Spirit will act strongly in the lives of those who will not betray my Son to follow the deceptions and heresies that currently blind many hearts, darken many minds, because the number of those who have lost the life of grace, offending the Lord in a depraved, corrupted and impure life, is great. Inside the hearts of many of these people the devil is nestled, making their works unfruitful and without any grace, because the Holy Spirit has been cast out of their lives, because of the many sins they have committed, without having an iota of repentance or conversion.
Be faithful to the Lord, that he may always enlighten and guide you by his Divine Spirit. Do not offend or grieve the Holy Spirit by your actions and sins. Decide for the life of grace in his love.
The Lord will do so much for those who are faithful to him and obedient to his words. They will never be disappointed or forsaken. They will always be supported and comforted by the divine light and will know what to say and how to act, for the glory of his Holy Name.
What the Holy Spirit will do for his prophets, for his disciples and the faithful of his Holy Church, the Church founded and left by my Divine Son, no human eye has ever seen or witnessed such great gifts of his grace. It will be something unique to destroy all of Satan's works of darkness, to confuse and bring down all those who work in favor of his evil projects. God will use the simple and the little ones to destroy the powerful of this world, who have persecuted and hurt his people, and no stone will be left unturned in their works of evil. Pray, pray, my son, by communicating all these things to your brothers you will be saving yourself and all of them, by being a good servant of my Son Jesus Christ, who has chosen you and called you for these times, the final times with the great purification and renewal of all mankind, of mankind that has become blind, deaf and dumb to God and is currently suffering, because of its disobedience and infidelities to the Lord.
I bless you and give you my graces that you may always understand the desires and pains of my Immaculate Heart. Be with the peace of my Son Jesus and with my peace!
Recommend this doctrine to your brothers, and you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished with the words of faith and sound doctrine that you have followed exactly until now. As for profane fables, those extravagant tales of old wives, reject them. Exercise in piety. If bodily exercise brings some small benefit, piety is useful for everything, because it has the promise of the present and future life. Here is a truth that is absolutely certain and worthy of faith: if we toil and suffer outrages, it is because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of the faithful. Let this be the object of your prescriptions and of your teachings. Let no one despise you for being young. On the contrary, become a model for the faithful, in the way you speak and live, in charity, in faith, in chastity. Until I arrive, apply yourself to reading, to exhortation, to teaching. Do not neglect the charisma that is in you, which was given to you through a prophecy accompanied by the laying on of the hands of priests. Put all your diligence and commitment into this, in such a way that it becomes evident to everyone how well you are using it. Watch over yourself and the instruction of others. And persevere in these things. If you do this, you will save yourself and those who hear you. (I Timothy 4:6-16)