Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 22, 2025
The Times Are Already Tempting!
- Message No. 1471 -

Message of March 9, 2025
Our Lady: My children. Difficult days await your earthly existence, but fear not, for Jesus, My and your Jesus, will always be with you and help, assist and lead you into His New Kingdom, provided you remain faithful and devoted and do not allow yourselves to be seduced by the devil, the adversary and the wicked.
Jesus: My children. My children, so beloved by Me. I, your Jesus, will be there to protect you, but you must trust in Me completely. The times that are coming are written, but you do not know what traps the evil one has in store for you.
An angel of the Lord: You must pray, beloved children, and always remain hidden in the Lord. I, an angel of the Lord, tell you this, for the times are already seductive, and well to him who does not fall into the trap of the evil one and remains faithful and devoted to Jesus at all times.
Our Lady: My children. The time that is coming will be a time of trial for all of you.
The wheat will be separated from the chaff, and the good and the bad will be recognizable.
Jesus: Do not be carried away! Do not be seduced! The times will be unpleasant, but you will be able to endure them if you trust Me, your Jesus, Savior of you, Who I Am, at all times and remain faithful.
Our Lady: Remain in humility, beloved children that you are, for only a humble soul will not perish. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, tell you this today, for the time is advanced, and well to him who remains steadfastand with Jesus, My Son who loves you so much.
The Angel of the Lord: Beloved children that you are. I, your angel of the Lord, commissioned by the Father in heaven, say to you today: Remain completely with Jesus and hidden in HIM, for only through HIM will you not be lost to the adversary, recognize the deceits and traps and lies and not fall prey to him.
So be faithful to Jesus at all times, for only HE is the Redeemer, and blessed is the one who recognizes this and truly loves HIM, his Redeemer, and remains with HIM. Amen.
I, the angel of the Lord, bring you this message with Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God, and Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. Amen.
Source: ➥