Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber

Today, St. Joseph appeared having the baby Jesus in his arms. He gave us the following message:
Peace to your heart!
My child, I come from heaven to bless you and all mankind. Jesus asks everyone to take refuge in my Most Chaste Heart and draw from it all the graces that his Divine Heart wishes to grant to those who beg my intercession before his Throne.
The world is being purified of its sins, because it does not pray, does not repent of its errors and crimes, and does not ask, with a contrite heart, for God's forgiveness. When will the world learn to be obedient to God?
Return to the Lord, oh ungrateful and rebellious humanity, because great pain and sorrow will come even more to the world, because the Lord can no longer bear so many sins: there are so many adulteries, abortions, crimes and assaults against innocence, with the destruction of the purity and holiness of many souls. The Heart of my Divine Son bleeds because of the terrible infidelities and sins of God's ministers, who no longer live the true faith, but preach error to souls, teaching other things, but not the Lord's holy words and teachings.
Within the Church of my Son, spiritual decadence reigns, because the devil has entered it, disguised and subtly, and he wishes to destroy the sacred and devour all souls with great fury.
Pray, my son, pray, because stronger and more terrible trials will come to the world, and blessed will be all those who do not deny their faith and do not betray the truths taught by my Son Jesus, remaining faithful and firm until the end.
Ask for my protection, desire to be under my sacred mantle, and I will lead you to Jesus and place you within his Divine Heart.
I give my blessing and protection to all the devout children who honor my Most Chaste Heart and who consecrate themselves to me daily. I am granting to all of them, many graces from heaven, by order of my Divine Son.
I bless you and all of humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition St. Joseph, by order of the Child God, traced the sign of the cross three times over the countries and regions of the world. As he traced the sign of the cross over the world rays of light fell on it and illuminated it. I remembered again what Jesus told me in the past, at the beginning of the apparitions: St. Joseph, by his command, will save the Church and the world from a great catastrophe!...Let us believe in St. Joseph's power of intercession before the Throne of Jesus and let us ask for the blessings and graces of heaven by praying daily the Rosary of his seven Sorrows and Joys, as well as, asking for his protection by placing ourselves under his sacred mantle with the prayers we pray in his honor. May the 9:00 PM of every night, St. Joseph's hour, be practiced and lived in our homes, as Jesus asked us to, for we can obtain great graces for ourselves, for the Holy Church, and for the world. We can pray the rosary of Saint Joseph or meditate on his seven sorrows and joys in a brief way with 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Joseph and 1 Glory Be, or pray his Sacred Mantle or the prayers and consecrations that Jesus and Our Lady taught us in honor of Saint Joseph and his Most Chaste Heart. The important thing is that we take the first step and persevere on this path of prayer and faith.