Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, call you to God. Listen to my maternal call that I make to you. Listen to my call to conversion.
I have already told you and I tell you again: times are bad. Men have turned away from the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, and are heading toward the abyss of their perdition and eternal destruction. Pray for the conversion of humanity attacked by Satan, who has become blind, deaf and dumb to the Lord, but sees, hears and speaks about Satan's dark works, favoring and spreading them for the ruin and perdition of many souls.
My children, we are fighting a great battle, I and all of you who listen to me and take my messages into your hearts, a terrible battle against Satan and the demons of hell. There are many of his agents and followers in this world. Many of my children, rebellious and ungrateful, let themselves be corrupted by his seductions, wanting to be like God, just as Adam and Eve let themselves be conquered by the infernal serpent, falling into sin, disobeying the Lord's orders, leaving aside his Divine Will so that it would no longer be realized in their lives, because they desired with their human will to live far from God, seduced by the eternal enemy of souls.
Fight, dear children, against all pride and arrogance against God. Do not allow yourselves to be overcome by the enemy. Conquer him with prayer, with the Eucharist, with the word of God and the truth. Satan wants to destroy your lives and your families, he wants to take away your freedom as sons and daughters of God. The day will come when you will have to decide whether you want to have a cell phone or to be free people, whether you want to have a television and a computer in your homes or the peace of your families; whether you want to have health and a false life, living as people enslaved by the wicked, or to be those who carry their cross, following the painful footsteps of my Son, but which lead you to eternal life. Which path and which life will you choose, my children? Choose eternal life, eternal life is my Son, and living united with my Son you will have everything and what is necessary for you and your family. Without my Son you will have nothing, you will not have true life, but you will be enslaved because of your sins, your worldly lusts and desires, wanting to go in search of what is false, of what does not give you true happiness or life.
Pray, pray, pray a lot, to have the strength to renounce sin and the world, so that you may have full life in abundance.
Every act of love towards your neighbor will never be forgotten by my Son Jesus. The more you live in the love of my Son, the more you will have the light and grace to serve and love your brothers and sisters in his Holy and Mighty Name.
Take care of your families. Pray together with your family members. Don't miss the opportunity that God gives you to live love and holiness united to him.
Families are precious to God. Blessed are all those who fight for the good and the preservation of families, their moral and spiritual values, but woe to those who act so that families are destroyed. If they do not repent, they will be struck by the strong arm of the Lord, who will wipe them off the face of the earth on the day of punishment, and no trace will remain, because they did not want to repent of their crimes and sins.
My children, fight with prayer and you will win the most difficult battles that will arise more and more, but remember: in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Pray the prayer that I now teach you:
Lord, Almighty Father, may the precious blood of your Divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, bathe and cleanse me at this moment from all sin, may it be for me and my loved ones a powerful sign of salvation and divine protection, as well as for all those for whom I call upon your all-healing, all-releasing, all-renewing grace. May the precious blood of Jesus destroy every evil on the face of the earth, for the good and salvation of your sons and daughters, slaves and easy prey of Satan.
Lord, may the enemy of our eternal salvation and his agents have no power over us, may they not see us, may they not listen to us, may they mute and not be able to act against us or against any of your sons and daughters for whom we have interceded and placed at the feet of the saving Cross of Jesus, your most beloved and dear Son.
In your Divine Will we seek refuge and place ourselves under it, so that we may be hidden from Satan, from all the demons of hell and their evil agents and disappear before them, just as your Divine Son hid himself and passed through those who wanted to do him evil, when he was carrying out your Divine Will on earth. May your mighty arm, be extended over our lives and our families, as a sign of blessing and protection, for you, Lord, are our rock of defense, our safe haven, our salvation. Amen!