Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

My son, write what I have placed in your heart and meditate deeply:
The Word of the LORD was addressed for the second time, in these terms: "What do you see?" to which I replied, "I see a boiling pot; it is tilted from the north this way" Then the LORD clarified for me, "Disgrace will be poured out from the north on all the inhabitants of the earth." (Jeremiah 1: 13-14)
My tent is destroyed; all the cords of my tent are broken. My children have left me and are no more; there is no one left to pitch my tent and raise the tarpaulins. Because the shepherds have become stupid and have not sought the LORD's guidance; therefore they have not prospered, and all their flocks have been scattered.
Rumors are coming, a great tumult from the land of the North, to make the cities of Judah a devastation, a dwelling place of jackals.(Jeremiah 10: 20-22)
It speaks of my indignation against the bad shepherds, stupid shepherds who no longer ask for my advice, who no longer seek my guidance, because they are without light, without life, and without divine grace. How can they want to receive my light if they don't take the first step: to pray? How can they be shepherds of souls if they don't even take care of their own, which are in ruins? The shepherd is the one who gives his life for his sheep, not the one who gives his sheep so that others, dressed in sheep's clothing, can shepherd them. They themselves are weaker and downcast and are unable to lead their sheep to safe pastures, where there is life and grace, because their souls are ruined by their own sins.
Behold, the dark times have come, times of terrible mistakes and confusion, where those who guide souls are donkeys, and the wise keep silent, letting their mouths be covered with the gag of sin and lies.
A great smoke is rising from the North, a sign that a tremendous fire is about to come, which will bring ruin to all the inhabitants of the earth, which will burn and destroy many souls, which will cause great devastation to my Holy Church.
Speak, speak, cry out to the four corners of the earth that the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, my Blessed Mother, for many years has manifested herself on this earth, in this Amazon Region, teaching the true evangelization of hearts and souls, showing everyone the light that radiates from my Sacred Heart. Her words are light and guidance from heaven, not only for all the people of the Amazon Region, but for all the people of the entire world.
She is the Full of Grace, the Thirst for Wisdom, who guides souls along my holy path, of an evangelization that changes souls and converts hearts, an evangelization that transforms lives and families, that heals entire societies, that brings the true peace that comes from God. Do not be deaf to the calls of heaven, do not be deaf to the voice of my Blessed Mother. She has done so much for this people and the whole world that no one can imagine. Receive our calls now, that they may have life and life in abundance.
May my Ministers be holy and chaste, humble and obedient before my Divine call. May they give their all, in the path they have chosen united to me and in the yes they have given to me. May their hands, as they consecrate my Body, Blood, soul and divinity, be more and more immaculate, resembling the hands of my Holy Mother who held me by the hands many times, who caressed and loved me with a pure and true love. May my home not be divided in half, but may it be fortified by the eternal truths left and taught from generation to generation, as I wish and will always wish.
May all know how to recognize their nothingness before me, true Lord of heaven and earth. Thank you for answering me!
I bless you!