Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, just as you see the rays of the sun passing between the window glass, illuminating and warming the whole environment, so the work of God is spreading more and more, illuminating and warming souls, through my holy messages, destroying Satan's kingdom of darkness, which can do nothing against the Divine Light that is radiating on the hearts of all those who have welcomed the Lord's calls and wish to do his Divine Will.
Keep offering everything into the Lord's hands, even the smallest act, which is transformed into great blessings and graces for the salvation of souls. The smallest acts offered to the Lord with love become big things in His hands. Don't waste the opportunity to offer the Lord everything you do, uniting yourself to his Divine Heart, performing all your acts, in him and with him. The Lord will bless every act performed, irradiating on each one of them his divine light, which will blind Satan, rendering useless his evil intentions on sinful humanity.
Pray, pray, pray a lot, because from prayer flows life for your soul and for all souls. From prayer flows the fountain of graces and blessings from heaven. A soul that prays obtains everything from the Heart of my Divine Son, when its prayer is made with faith and trust. Always be little before me and the Heart of my Son, and you will always have our merciful gaze upon you and your family.
I bless you, that your soul may be filled more and more with strength, courage, the light and grace of heaven: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!