Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

After the prayer of the Rosary, the image of the Crucified Christ became alive. The head of the image moved and was turning towards me and Jesus nailed to the cross with the wounds and sores appeared. He radiated a very strong light, brighter than the sun. Jesus looked at me and said:
My son, look at my wounds, wounds of love and pain. My body has been wounded and gored because of sinners, but sinners do not want to repent. I suffer, I weep because of their sins, but many hearts are hardened and insensitive to my tears and to the tears of my Blessed Mother.
The Brazilian people have become ungrateful, disobedient and cold towards my Divine Heart. Here is what I tell you: I will purify Brazil intensely, because Brazil constantly offends me with so many infidelities, impurities, crimes and outrages.
Rebellious and dishonest people, who wish to mistreat, steal, lie and exploit. People who do not bend, who do not purify themselves and who do not listen to me or to my Blessed Mother. Through pain, through blood and through tears I will purify the Brazilian people who only live on passing joys, just like the foolish people, neglecting the salvation of their own souls.
Pray, pray and make them pray, so that the hearts open as soon as possible, so that the people will be hungry for the Word of God, otherwise the hunger will pass until they seek me and desire me with love.
Receive my blessing and my call in your hearts and my mercy will envelop you. Many will desire to come here in this place in the time of sorrows and despair, but they will not be able to, because they have been rebellious, unbelieving, and hard-hearted.
At this moment I saw that many, many people were appearing at the foot of the cross of Jesus. They were weeping, they were grieved and distressed. These people were from many places that the Lord made me see there at the foot of the cross at that moment, but they were in their homes and they were saying to the Lord: Forgive me, Lord, for having doubted, for having been incredulous, for not having listened to you? They wanted to go to Itapiranga, but they could not!
Pray, pray, for only I can ward off the pains and sufferings that will soon come. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!