Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, May 11, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Fontanelle, Italy

Peace my beloved children!
Thank you for your presence here in this place blessed by your Heavenly Mother.
I come from heaven by order of my Divine Son. He, true love, invites you to prayer, sacrifice and penance, through me, your Mother, so that you may persevere on your path of conversion.
My children, pray for the Pope and the Church. He must suffer great attacks, but I say that I am at his side to comfort him by giving him my Mother's help. Those who are not obedient to the Pope and do not love the Church of my Son Jesus hurt my Immaculate Heart very much.
Pray, pray very much the holy rosary to stop the devil's action inside the Church, because many let themselves be blinded by Satan, because of their attachment to money and material things. Everything that belongs to the Church of my Son is sacred. Woe to those who sin against the Lord by using his holy works for their own profit. Everything must be done with love for the Lord and for the Lord.
Pray my children, pray for your brothers who do not want to open their hearts to God. Prayer can change many things and can save many souls for God, so my children, pray, pray, pray.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Holy Virgin once again came from heaven to convey her call to me. She appeared in the place, where many years ago she manifested herself as Mystical Rose, Mother of the Church, and today, in her message, she rightly mentions the problems that are happening inside the Church in many places in the world, she tells us about detachment to money and material possessions. These things will not lead us to the Lord or to the kingdom of heaven, but only the pure and holy love of her Divine Son. How many people are inside the Church, inside the Movements, inside the prayer groups, at the head of so many things, but they are not giving a good example of holy life, because they let themselves be attached to money and material things. Let us remember what the Holy Mother told us: "Everything that belongs to the Church of my Son is sacred! Woe to those who sin against the Lord by using his holy works for their own profit!"... These people will have to answer before God, for all that they have done wrong, destroying her holy works.
Attachment to money, power, and certain compromises with the world are the ruin of many souls, whether priestly, consecrated, or lay. Our only attachment should be to the divine love of Jesus, striving each day to do the will of our Father in heaven.
How many people find themselves blinded by the devil because they do not have a simple heart and humility. Pride causes many to fall seriously into sin thus losing God's blessings and graces.