Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Paderno, Italy

Peace my beloved children!
I, Mother of Jesus and your Heavenly Mother, love you and bless you this night, so that your hearts may be opened to the love of the Lord and that his peace may transform you and make you be witnesses of his presence to your brothers.
My children, times are hard, but God's love is greater and more powerful than you can imagine. The love of my Son Jesus conquers all evil. Bring the love of my Son to your brothers and sisters, and many of them will be set free from the bonds of sin, hatred, and peacelessness.
Children, act! Take my messages to your brothers and sisters, for I desire to help them and lead them to Jesus. I have come again from heaven, because my Son Jesus wishes to lead them to Him, through me. Many do not believe in my apparitions nor in my messages. Do not doubt, my children, but have faith! Believe as if you lived me, because I cannot remain indifferent to the pain of so many of my children who need my maternal help.
Many believe in many lies, but they don't want to believe in the word of the Lord, which is the word of truth and of eternal life. Many are carried away by the illusions of the world and its deceptive ideas, but they do not want to believe in my Mother's words.
Open your hearts that have hardened, because you sin and offend God with your lack of faith, when you are disobedient to Him, rejecting His love.
Pray, pray, pray the rosary. The rosary, my children, opens the way and the door that leads you to heaven. Do not stop praying it. The world needs much peace and prayer. You are living in times of great spiritual battle. Those who do not listen to my calls and who do not seek to change the course of their lives will have to bear and carry a heavy cross for their disobedience.
When God sends me from heaven He wants His message to be lived. I am the Lord's servant and I do what God has asked me to do. Children, you also be obedient to God. Young people, be God's by abandoning sin and the wrong things of the world. Husbands and wives, live a holy marriage united to God. Fathers and mothers, be the light of God for your children. Priests and souls consecrated to God, fulfill well and with love the grace of priesthood and consecration that you received from God, witnessing with faith and with courage my Son Jesus to all the faithful.
Children, love Holy Church and pray for the Pope. Pray for the Pope. Pray for the Pope. Make sacrifices for the realization of my plans in the world. Thank you for your presence here tonight. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Holy Mother comes yet again to ask us for prayers for the Pope and the Church. She mentions in her appeal the importance of obedience to God and His call. A Christian who is disobedient is not pleasing to the Lord. Even if it costs us so much, obedience destroys the devil and saves many souls. In the same way, disobedience does great damage, making us carry a heavy cross later on. We suffer what we reap by our disobedience to God. If we put into practice what Our Lady asks of us we will then be enveloped by the grace of heaven and the Lord will grant us the faith and courage to witness Jesus to our brothers and sisters, doing what he did and even greater things as it is written in his word.
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and the will do greater than these , because I go to my Father. (Jn 14:12)