Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Jericho, Israel - Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady

Today in the Church of the Good Shepherd in the city of Jericho, where Jesus healed a blind man, I saw the Virgin with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph. They were dressed in gold. Today is the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. The Mother of God gave me the following message, right after I took communion:
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I come from heaven on the feast of my Assumption to grant you my Mother's love. God invites you to think of heaven and to desire it with your heart. Do not desire the world, for the world cannot give you heaven. Desire in this world the love of God, his Word and the sacraments, desiring also holiness and you will obtain heaven one day.
O Holy Mother, thank you for being here with your Son Jesus and St. Joseph. Accompany me. Do not leave me alone. Help me to be faithful to God.
I am beside you my son. I am accompanying your every step. Let me guide you and you will see how great God's love is for you, for your brothers and sisters, and for all humanity. Allow that through you, God can heal the blindness of many souls through my messages. If you allow, God will work wonders in their lives. God's grace today is poured out upon all mankind. Today I bless you, I bless your brothers and sisters, and the whole world: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving the Virgin also said to me:
The place where you are has been visited many times by my Son Jesus, by me and by St. Joseph. My Son Jesus came here with St. Joseph in the past, when they had to buy something for their carpentry work or to deliver some request or return a favor.
My husband Joseph knew this place very well, as he had relatives and acquaintances who lived here. My son Jesus, when he was younger, always accompanied him. That is why he came here and performed his miracles and announced the Good News. We used to pass through here when we had to go to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover every year as they say in the Gospel (Lk 2:41). Always be grateful to God, for this grace you and your brothers have received through our three Hearts united in love.
In the afternoon we arrived in Jerusalem and went to the Church of Our Lady's tomb and the site of her Assumption into heaven. When we arrived, Eucharistic adoration was about to begin with the Franciscans. This celebration occurs only once a year, when the friars open the doors of the Church and go in procession with lit candles to the tomb of the Virgin Mary. Our Lady really granted me and my friends a great grace.
At the time of adoration, I saw Jesus, Our Lady, and St. Joseph sitting on beautiful thrones dressed in the purest gold. All three were wearing royal crowns on their heads that shone strongly. All three were beautiful, of an incomparable and indescribable beauty that I will not be able to express in words.
Jesus was looking at me with his beautiful eyes very happy. Our Lady leaned in a little close to his ear and spoke to him some things, having her eyes fixed on me and smiling. I understood that she was asking for the intentions that I prayed and that they knew. At the moment that Our Lady was conversing with Jesus I was asking in my heart for Itapiranga, for her Shrine and her work in the Amazon, for the pilgrims, for Bishop Carillo Gritti, for the salvation of young people and families, and for the work of the Three Hearts. I would ask the Lord saying:
O Jesus, see that here there are so many holy places, so many shrines and Churches, places of grace. Do You not want to grant us also that Itapiranga be a place of graces and blessings in Amazonas? Grant us, Lord, this grace that Amazonas needs so much.
O Jesus, see how many sad things occur in Amazonas: how many young people who are being murdered Lord, because of drug trafficking. How many children are growing up in an impure life without you Lord! Don't allow this to last much longer.
O Jesus, look after the families. The families that are destroying themselves with the scourge of adultery and divorce. The families without God, who are abandoning the true faith because they are being deceived by lying and false people. Grant us the Shrine of your Blessed Mother in Itapiranga. Give us this grace Lord! Amazonas needs this grace so much.
Do not allow the devil to win and destroy this holy work of love. Do not allow the devil to continue reigning for much longer on Amazon. Have mercy on the Amazon Lord! Have mercy! Destroy the devil, through Itapiranga, Lord! Destroy the devil. May he lose all souls and may many people be freed from his clutches. May Itapiranga be the defeat of the devil in Amazonas and of all those who do nothing for you and your Church. Take away, Lord, all those who are not doing your will. Put order in your Church in Amazonas. Take out those who are in the Movements, in the prayer groups, inside the Churches, who are ruining it instead of building it up and helping others to find your light.
Sanctify the priests, the religious, the bishops of the Amazon Lord. How many are living in a life of sin, scandals, impurity and disobedience to you and your Church. Grant us the Shrine of your Mother in Itapiranga Lord, for the sanctification and salvation of many disobedient, rebellious and pagan Bishops, priests and consecrated
O Lord, after all this, do you not want to grant us this grace? Grant us this grace Lord. Amazonas needs this grace, Amazonas has need of you and this grace Lord. Allow your Mother to be loved, honored and invoked with the title of Our Lady of Itapiranga, worthily, as she deserves in Amazonas. Convert those who are unfaithful, unbelieving, and enemies of this your holy work, Lord. This is your work and not ours. Do Lord, that which you desire and long for so much. But I beg you Lord, through the Heart of Your Most Holy Mother and Your Virgin Father Joseph, grant us this great grace in Amazonas, Give us this Shrine in Itapiranga for the salvation of souls, families, Amazonas, Brazil and the whole world. Amen!
As I said these words that came to my heart, Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph smiled kindly. Our Lady looked at me and said,
My son, pray now at this moment as a rosary this prayer:
In the Our Father: Mother, save us, by the flame of love of your Immaculate Heart.
In the Hail Mary: O Jesus, save the Amazon, from the darkness of Satan, through the apparitions of your Blessed Mother in Itapiranga.
I kept praying these prayers several times before them three and begged them to help us
help and grant all these graces.
The Holy Family disappeared and the Father gave us the blessing with the Blessed Sacrament and then we went in procession to the sepulcher of Our Lady. Every step I took my heart fluttered. When we entered the door leading to the tomb of the Virgin, her holy presence invaded my whole being. I felt a great emotion and joy in my heart such as I have never felt in my entire life. As I was about to enter the sepulcher, I heard a voice speaking next to me. I turned and saw a Passionist Father talking to someone right next to me. For me it was a sign from Saint Gemma Galgani and Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, the patron saints of our youth group. I understood that the grace I was receiving had been through their intercession with the Holy Family.
I entered the tomb of Our Lady on my knees and thanked her for the great grace of being there, in this very holy and blessed place of her Assumption into heaven, I poor and unworthy sinner. I didn't deserve that much, but I knew it was a great honor that Our Lady was granting me, after having gone through so much humiliation, criticism and bad mouthing in the past. Our Lady was giving me this grace and this honor, for having been faithful, obedient and courageous in speaking of her appeals in the Amazon, enduring all the calumnies and slanders. And her grace she was also bestowing on my family, who could not be there, but were represented by me.
Suddenly the Blessed Virgin appeared again, more luminous than ever. It seemed as if the Sun, or thousands of it, had descended there in that place, because it was such a great clarity. Our Lady, smiling and opening her arms spread so much light from her hands and from her being as she had never seen before. She said,
These are the graces that God grants you!
I understood that God had granted us the graces that I had begged so much at the time of Adoration. I was very happy and began to cry from the emotion of everything I saw and heard. I couldn't stop, the tears flowed from my eyes copiously. The Virgin really granted not only me, but the entire Amazon great graces.