Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, August 14, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Cana of Galilee is considered the Land of Faith. I remembered a lot about Itapiranga and the Virgin's request to pray the seven creeds every day. In this holy place I prayed many creeds, asking God to renew and increase my poor little faith. How I desire to believe always more, without ever doubting. I asked the Lord insistently that he grant me the faith that removes mountains. I said to him in my thoughts: Is it not possible, Lord, that what you said in the Gospel will never happen, that he who has faith, like a mustard seed will say to a mountain and it will go? Why don't you give me a great faith, the faith that removes mountains. Give me this faith Lord! The time has come for the prophecies to be fulfilled and great miracles to be performed in your name for the salvation and conversion of many souls!I asked, I asked, I asked and I heard the voice of the Virgin who said to me:
God asks from you a great faith. Faith must grow in you more and more. Believe, believe, believe. He who believes in God can do everything. He who believes is a source of grace for many souls, for God, through the one who believes, manifests all his love, pouring out his graces and manifesting his power. Pray the creeds as I have taught you, and renew your faith in God, our Father and Creator of all things. His divine gaze is set on you and on all who believe in his divine manifestation and work of love. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!