Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 23, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Maria do Carmo

My mother was in Itapiranga with my father. It was the Feast of Divine Mercy. My mother saw Jesus in the sky of Itapiranga, in front of the house, very luminous, scattering rays over Itapiranga and over the whole world. Jesus said to her:
It is from here in the city of Itapiranga that I am pouring out my mercy to the whole world. Woe to him who forbids my little ones to pray. Woe to him who teaches my little ones wrong, if they will get right with me one day!
Then, pointing with his finger to the cross that stands on the Mount, near the chapel, he said,
It is there, at the Holy Cross, that all people should give thanks and ask. I will deny nothing to anyone! Pray the rosary and pray the rosary of mercy too. It's not just for you, it's for all people, whatever I tell you.
My mother said that this apparition was very beautiful. She had never seen Jesus so beautiful and illuminated. The river, the trees, and all the houses were illuminated by the rays coming out of Jesus.