Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 22, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children of My Sacred Heart, pray!
I am your God, Our Lord Jesus Christ who comes today to give you an urgent and important message. I deeply desire your conversion! Open your hearts. Never turn away from prayer. Prayer must be life for you. Pray more! Live the messages that I and my heavenly Mother, who is also your Mother, communicate to you.
Children, read our messages and put them into practice immediately. Do not harden your hearts. Pray the holy rosary! Ask for the powerful intercession of my and your Heavenly Mother, because she has a great power of intercession before the Holy Trinity. She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth. She is my jewel that I come to give you today, that you may love her with all your love and with all your heart.
Children, listen to what my Mother is asking of you. Surrender yourselves to her Immaculate Heart and she will lead you to me. Bear your Cross with patience, for I am always beside you to help you carry it, as is my Mother, to guide you along the hard and painful roads that will lead you to me, your Lord.
Pray, pray, pray little ones. My Sacred Heart is all yours, and I, your Heavenly Father, want to lead you all to me. Know that you have a place reserved in my Sacred Heart. Pray much to the Divine Holy Spirit. Pray for your conversion and the conversion of your family members, friends, and all sinners throughout the world.
I am with you, do not be afraid. Courage, little ones, I am closer to you than you think. I bless you today with great love, and may this blessing give you great Peace and great Strength. I am your Peace! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.