Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, March 21, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

I was praying at the place of the apparitions, in front of the tree where the Virgin always appeared as at other times. She came and with a majestic voice said,
Peace, peace, peace! Men should pray asking God for Peace!
The Holy Virgin moved in the air and went to the place where she wants the chapel to be built. She asked me to give three kisses on the ground in gratitude to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, for this grace granted. Then she added indicating with her finger:
Take this stick and mark with it the place where I want the chapel to be built here.
I did as she asked me. The Virgin was pointing with her hand indicating where I should mark the place with the stick. After everything was done, the Blessed Virgin spoke to those present at the apparition:
Here on this spot, I want a small chapel to be built in my honor. May the people hasten to this request of mine. A request that comes directly from my Son Jesus. May all that I have been telling you, in these last days, in my heavenly warnings, in my maternal messages, be fulfilled. Pray the Holy Rosary. Pray, pray, pray. Pray for the peace of the whole world and for the conversion of sinners. Pray for the Pope, the Bishops, the priests and all consecrated souls. I am the Queen of the World, the Queen of Peace and the Mystical Rose. I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
She also said about the chapel:
Before you enter the chapel take your shoes and sandals off your feet, because this place is sanctified by my maternal presence and the presence of my Divine Son and before me and my Divine Son, everyone is equal.
Before giving me your requests, pray for those who suffer the most, for those who are persecuted and mistreated, and in this way, God will also hear your prayers.