Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, March 20, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, there is no more time to lose. The days you are living are very serious and very urgent!
Why are my children still so indifferent to these heavenly warnings of mine? Why are they so unbelieving?
Our Lady addressing all humanity said:
O sinful humanity return to your God. You do not know and cannot imagine what may come upon the whole world if there is no total conversion.
Looking at me he said again:
The world is heading for the road to destruction and I, as your Mother, distressed by all that can happen to you I tell you that I come to warn you and protect you under my Immaculate mantle, against every evil that can strike you. Pray, pray, pray, this is what I ask of you. I do not come to ask anything from you but prayer and conversion. But why do you still not want to listen to this appeal of mine?
Children, pray the Holy Rosary every day. Pray a lot also for Brazil Brazil is in constant need of many prayers As I have already told you in another message, a great chastisement is about to fall on Brazil, so I ask you: pray, do many penances, and go to Mass more often.
Here in ltapiranga, I give you a strong call, which is for the whole world: do not offend God our Lord anymore, who is already much offended! Flee from all and any impurity. Satan leads numerous souls to hell, because of the weakness of men in giving in to the sins of the flesh?
How it hurts my Immaculate Heart to see you, my little ones, going to hell! Pray dear young people, pray, because it is more the souls of young people that I, today, see lost eternally in the fire of hell!
Our Lady said these last words with great pain and sadness. I could see her eyes that were shining as if she wanted to cry. Addressing my mother and me, the Virgin said:
That is why I need your prayers and your help so much to help all my children who need my help and my assistance. I am the Queen of the World and the Queen of Peace. Pray, pray, pray. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
We have a greater responsibility, because it is to us that the Mother of God has revealed and shown so many things. I ask God every day that he helps me, as well as my mother, to know how to correspond to these divine graces.