Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, May 11, 1994
Message from Our Lord to Maria do Carmo

Maria do Carmo!
I am very happy. Who calls me,
Don't sleep!
I have to sleep. If I don't sleep I'll be sleepy tomorrow.
Get up and write. Don't waste time.
My mother stood up, as if a force had pulled her. She made her way to the kitchen and looked around for paper and pen to write. Not finding a notebook, she saw that on the table, she had the loaves of bread wrapped in paper. She took the paper from the loaves and wrote Jesus' message on it. My mother, when she wrote this message, did not realize that it was Jesus himself who inspired her to do this, without her understanding and realizing it. He wanted to show us and the world that he is the Living Bread that came down from heaven, the Bread of Life. He said the following message:
Adultery is a serious sin, but it has forgiveness, if you make a good confession, with full repentance! Teach. You know how to make a good confession. You cannot be afraid or ashamed of the priest. If he forgives, I will forgive him. If he does not forgive, I will not forgive either! Whoever is married and separated, unite again, if you still love each other: with forgiveness and sincerity!
Whoever is married and is separated, who lives with another man or with another woman who is not of your marriage, must separate and live as friends in the same house. The two can no longer live as husband and wife. If one of the two is free and needs married life, he must get married. He just can't commit adultery!
Jesus conveyed this message to my mother because she was concerned about her brothers who live in adultery and others who live amicably, and she wanted to know something about it so she could pass it on to them, as well as the people who live with them.
Another day, Jesus appeared to my mother again and said to her,
Write down for yourself what you have read:... See to it that your heart resembles My humble and meek heart. Never claim your rights... This one is yours: My heart... You weep and purify yourself!
Jesus, with his left hand showed his Sacred Heart to my mother. He stretched out his right arm in front and there appeared in the palm of his right hand his Heart all lit up. It was one of the first apparitions in which he began to reveal to her the tenderness of his Most Sacred Heart. On another day, he appeared to her again and said to her,
I want you well dressed, without sin, and I want you to go to Mass every day. That's right!
Our Lady appeared to my mother and showed her a Church filled with people, by the thousands, both inside and outside, and said to her,
This is how I want to see you praying one day: like in Medjugorje!