Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, May 8, 1994
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

It was Mother's Day. Our Lady appeared to my mother again, showing her this time her Immaculate Heart, inside her chest all transparent, like a very luminous crystal, telling her:
My Heart is like this... Now like this, it's like this...
And he showed her what he was holding the day before. What my mother thought was a piece of meat, turned into a dead child, all bloody. And the Virgin added:
It's abortion! And abortion is a grave sin! Anyone who has an abortion must go to confession to the priest, cry and roll on the floor in repentance, and never stop praying again. Only then can he save himself!
My mother remembered that she had already had two miscarriages. Our Lady then said to her:
(*) Even so, repent now!
Our Lady asked her,
If it were now, what would you do?
My mother answered her,
I would do anything not to miscarry and not lose my children! ( My mother then went to a priest to go to confession and ask for forgiveness.)
Our Lady then showed her a vision:
Look! This is how the Masons look...
My mother saw many men dressed in black clothes burning in hellfire.
...because Masonry is a sect of the devil and if you die being a Mason you go straight to hell!
On this same day, in the afternoon, Our Lady again showed my mother my brother Quirino, who was sitting on her lap. The two of them were standing very close to my mother. The Virgin then spoke to her:
I have already shown your son three times and you still haven't thrown a kiss to him. Throw him a kiss!
My mother did what Our Lady asked her to do - she threw a kiss to my brother, and also to Our Lady and Jesus, thanking her for everything she had seen.
These apparitions of Our Lady with my brother to my mother was a maternal pedagogy that Our Lady was doing with her. Our Lady was little by little healing my mother of her deep pain from the unexpected loss of my brother. My mother suffered a lot from his death, I think, more than all of us at home. I can say that my mother has a sensitive soul, pure, without malice and delicate. On September 1, 1989, the day my brother died, she was not at home at the time. He was in the center of Manaus with my father doing some shopping for our house. When she arrived home my brother was already dead, his body being brought from the IML. People told her the news abruptly, without any preparation. This was the saddest thing and caused her immense pain and great distress. My brother died from an accident at home while playing. My brothers and I were very young and we didn't know what to do to help him. It was the neighbors who helped us, rescuing us and who took him to the hospital immediately. The most painful thing for my mother was, when she was already at home, to receive and see my brother's body entering the coffin through the house gate. My heart and those of my brothers could not console her at that sad moment. My mother spent hours and hours crying over my brother's body. I could only go to my room and cry, but I cried looking at the image of Our Lady, dressed in white, which was on the cover of a book about her apparitions at Fatima to the three little shepherds. That's how I started praying the rosary again bringing me closer to God and Our Lady, when I was only 16 years old.
(*) Our Lady said this to my mother, because of the wrong reason she lost these two children, before, because she did not take good care of her pregnancy, not avoiding situations that left her angry and in danger of losing the children, harming them. Upon hearing the Virgin, my mother cried a lot and asked her to forgive her and to ask her Son Jesus to forgive her too.