Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Come Holy Spirit with God the Father’s words with St. Michael’s protection and all of Heaven

My beloved children this is your Father in Heaven. Please stop abortion now or your country, America, will be no more as I made it. It will be totally destroyed and taken over by the evil ones and satan. You are already a Communist run country by your Communist President. He is controlling everything. All of your good leaders and all the branches of government are being threatened or killed by satan and his demonic people who are now running your country and most of the top leaders in your country. It will take much prayer and suffering to turn this around.
I, God the Father, am about to give the Warning talked about in Revelations. Please have your souls purified and ready by asking and begging My forgiveness. I am an all loving God but I am asking and begging you to come to Me and ask forgiveness before the major chastisement when you will see your soul in an out of the body experience when you will see Heaven, Purgatory, or hell according to where you would go if you would die that very day. But, I God the Father am giving you a special grace that has never been given before because the times you live in are the most evil times the world has ever seen.
It started when Adam and Eve sinned and every generation gets more evil. I purified it during the time of Noah and the Ark and then it started over again. Then each generation started to get evil again until the people in your world are now the most evil that the earth has ever seen. The Ten Commandments have been totally thrown out of your top leadership and they have taken the majority of the people with them in one way or another. They have taken God out of everything they can and have forced you to live their way or suffer dearly to live God’s way. But, I am your God and I will never leave you. I am still in control of everything. There is only one thing you have to do and that is to say, ‘God the Father, please forgive me for all my sins’ with a loving and forgiving heart and forgive all your brothers and sisters, and stop sinning and start worshipping Me your real God and Father and the Maker of all things that ever was or ever will be made that is good. Satan takes everything I, your God, makes and just turns it around and makes it evil. Most of My children just need to stop and turn around and look to Heaven and not down to earth and ask forgiveness and they will be saved.
The world runs clockwise like the clock runs, but the spiritual world runs counter clockwise. The spiritual world goes from your right hand out to people and the evil world goes out from your left hand. You always greet people with your right hand. That is God’s anointing hand and the hand that the priest blesses you with. So, please turn around and start moving toward Heaven and walk away from the earthly things and have peace and happiness instead of sickness and hell on earth. Love, God the Father of Heaven and earth. I am waiting for all My children. Love, love, and more love. God bless.