Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Come Holy Spirit, Holy Family, and St. Michael with God the Father’s words

My most beloved son and all My children, I love all of you dearly. Do not let satan be your god any longer. I want every one of My children to be in My arms and hold them dearly next to My heart. My children, I suffer with you every time you suffer. I have to let you suffer when you need to be corrected. It is not what I want but what you want by doing satan’s will and not My Will. All the storms and natural disasters are all caused by the sins against the Ten Commandments that My children are committing. I am all love and it takes tough love to bring My children back to Me, your God. Satan is all hate and he will do anything to steal or kill My children and make them suffer. Because of your free will I have to let you suffer here on earth to save your souls. This is why I tell you I am all loving, but I must be all just also for the sake of your salvation. You must be in a state of grace and ask for My forgiveness before you die or other faithful Christians must pray and suffer much for you to help save your soul with much cleansing for you in Purgatory.
You are all brothers and sisters in God because I made all of you in the beginning of time, and you are all responsible to help each other save their souls. I also made all the angels and some of them fell away from My Will and are now suffering in hell because they wanted to do their own will for all eternity. They are now trying to take all of My children with them to hell so they can torture you for all eternity. Please ask forgiveness for all your sins with your heart and I will forgive any of My children no matter what kinds of sins they committed. Did I not take the good thief on the cross at My right side to Heaven the very day he asked My forgiveness with an open heart? And, I would have taken the other thief on My left if he would have asked for forgiveness from his heart.
Please pray for My messengers, and prophets, and My refuge builders right now for satan is attacking them greatly now that My time is getting so close when the ‘Our Father’ is being fulfilled—Thy kingdom come , thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yes, My children, your earth and world is about to be cleansed like in the time when all the evil angels were cast out of Heaven and into hell and when I cleansed the earth during Noah and the floods time. Yes, My beloved children you are about to see cleansing of the earth again. Are you ready? If not, please ask My forgiveness with your heart. The time is growing short and eternity is forever. I love all of you. Your Father from Heaven.