Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, June 14, 2021
Call of Jesus in the Sacrament to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch
Oh, Sinful Humanity, Come to Your Senses and Return to God As Soon As Possible; Leave Your Worries and Worldly Cares; See That the Day of My Warning is Coming and the Vast Majority of Souls Are in Grave Sin, or Far from Me!

My Peace be with you, My Beloved children.
Great manifestations in the firmament are about to take place, which will announce to you the proximity of My Warning; signs that warn you that you must be prepared for the arrival of such a great day. My Glorious Cross will shine in the sky for seven days and nights; all those who prostrate themselves and pray with faith to My Glorious Cross, will receive healing in body and soul. After the seven days and their nights have passed, My cross will disappear to give way to My Warning. Run, run, run, to put your accounts in order because the day of My Warning is drawing near! Great and Glorious Day, where you will be taken and judged in eternity, where your soul, according to its state and works, will be taken to heaven, purgatory, or hell.
In eternity your whole life will be shown to you from the very moment you had the use of reason; everything will be judged, even your idle words and bad decisions, with which you affected your brothers, the creation and the code of Love, which governs the universe. It is for this reason, My children, that I ask you to pray, fast and do penance for your sins and make reparation for those mortal sins confessed and not repaired, so that when you reach eternity you will not have to suffer the purifying fire of the third purgatory, or the fire that burns and is not extinguished in hell. Many souls who are in mortal sin in this world will not resist the passage through eternity and will be eternally lost.
Oh, sinful humanity, come to your senses and return to God as soon as possible; leave your worries and worldly cares; see that the day of My Warning is coming and the immense majority of souls are in grave sin, or far from Me! What are you waiting for to reconcile yourselves with God and your brothers? My awakening of consciences is knocking at the door and your soul runs the risk of being eternally lost. Fools, I do not want your death; My desire is that you repent with a sincere heart before the arrival of My Warning, so that your passage through eternity will not be your death, or your worst nightmare.
I am waiting for you, prodigal children, in the silence of My Tabernacles; hurry so that you may bathe and purify yourselves in the fountain of forgiveness and mercy; and thus, your passage through eternity will be more bearable and you will not run the risk of losing yourselves eternally!
My peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Your Master, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Make known, My children, the messages of salvation to all mankind.