Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Second Urgent Call of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Colombia. Message to Enoch
Wake Up, Wake Up, Inhabitants of My Beloved Colombia, Because I Urgently Need Your Conversion!

Children of My Beloved Colombia, My Peace be with you.
Colombian Nation, I am waiting for your sincere conversion, your commitment to My Sacred Heart is necessary, in order to carry out My plan of salvation for these end times. Again I say to you inhabitants of My Beloved Nation: I need your government to renew the consecration of My Colombia to My Sacred Heart; that all My Sons of My Beloved Nation in this month dedicated to honor My Sacred Heart, consecrate yourselves day and night with the prayer I sent you. I urgently need your conversion My Beloved Colombia; accept My Mercy so that you will not have to know the rigor of My Justice! If you continue to ignore My calls, I will deliver you into the hands of your enemies so that you may be purified. I will give orders to the dragons of fire that lie dormant in your entrails to move you day and night to see if you will awaken.
Wake up, wake up, inhabitants of My Beloved Colombia, because I urgently need your conversion! Do not remain so relaxed, remember that the time of this time is no longer time, and your enemies are on the lookout for ways to make you lose in order to interrupt My work. I exhort you then to return to Me, with a sincere heart; I do not want to see you suffer, nor do I want to see the destruction of My Beloved Nation; come to your senses as soon as possible, gather yourselves in prayer, fasting and penance; just as the inhabitants of Nineveh did with the preaching of Jonah. (Jonah 3. 1 to 10)
I do not want to see you in mourning My Beloved Colombia, but, to dress you as a bride; I want My Beloved that you give me your Yes, and marry me, because you well know that I love you. I am waiting for you, do not delay, the best for you is yet to come.
Remain in My Love and My Peace, My Beloved.
Your Beloved, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Make this message known throughout My Colombia and to all the ends of the earth.