Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Distressing Appeal from God the Father to Mankind.
Prepare Yourselves, My People, for the Days of War Are Coming!

My peace be with you. My people, my inheritance.
You are living in the last days of peace; make the most of them and try to live in communion with God and your brothers. Very soon war will come and instead of peace and joy, what will come will be weeping and pain. The fuse is already lit, the only thing missing is the kings of this world setting the date and the time; war is imminent and will involve all nations either passively or actively.
Pray, fast and do penance, my people; because very soon my creation will be dressed in mourning and there will be weeping and pain everywhere. My people, weapons of mass destruction of the great powers of this world have the ability to destroy my creation in a fraction of a minute. That is why I am asking you to pray, fast and do penance, asking your Father to stop the expansion and lengthening of the war; whether the days of war are prolonged or shortened will depend upon your prayers and supplications.
It is not I, your Father, who will send you the scourge of war; it is the kings of this world who want to expand their domains and reduce a great part of the world's population. The war will make the most of it to fumigate the sky of many nations with silent death. Lethal gases, viral illnesses and other gases damaging to health, will be scattered in the air of many Third World nations and its aim will be to reduce the population of these nations. All of this will be accomplished under the complacency of their rulers.
There are millions of lethal vaccines ready to be applied on the population of these developing nations. To become sick in those days is to run the risk of dying. My people, the time of desolation is drawing near! Sing plaintive hymns, because the horsemen of famine, pestilence and death will soon plunge my creation into mourning! War will arouse the fury of my creation and this will allow its pitiful cry to be heard. Many nations will disappear from the face of the earth, when they awaken fire dragons from the bowels of my creation. War will shake my creation, which will groan with its final birth pains; from east to west, north to south. Its pains will move continents and everything will be ready for a new earth to be born.
Woe to you mortals, for the great and terrible day of the Lord is drawing near! Wake up and clothe yourself in sackcloth; throw ashes on your head and do penance; for those days of sorrow, desolation and death will happen as soon as possible! Prepare yourselves, My people, because the days of war are coming. Stand firm in the faith; pray and trust in your God, so that you might get past this test. If you do this, I assure you that these days will be like a dream for you.
Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Nations.
Make known my messages to all mankind.