Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Urgent Call of Jesus ​​The Good Shepherd to His Flock.

Fateful Days, Days of Purification Are Drawing Near!


Sheep of my flock, peace to you.

Fateful days, days of purification are drawing near. Cry out and implore Heaven so that you may endure these days of testing without losing faith or hope. Children of mine, sheep of my flock, when the wolf makes its appearance, you must remain vigilant because evil spirits will pervade the nights. All the emissaries of evil will make themselves known and their works will be intensified. By their fruits you shall know them.

My flock, stay calm and do not panic; seal the wolves with my Blood and cover them with my wounds so that they do not harm you. Do not engage in disputes or altercations with the children of darkness; in those days what you must do is pray; let prayer be your company and Spiritual Armor your protection. Throughout the time of the final reign of the wolf, 1,290 days, you are going to have to fight spiritually with all the evil entities, both those in the flesh and those in the spirit. Pray at all times and do not lower your guard in prayer, lest you bring on unpleasant surprises. Remember that those will be days of spiritual battle and the wolf and his followers will intensify their attacks, looking for ways to make me lose the greatest number of my sheep.

My flock, have blessed and exorcised: crucifixes, medals, pictures, rosaries and everything that you might have that represents us. You should always carry with you a blessed crucifix or blessed rosary; the power of my cross and the power of my mother’s rosary will chase away the demons. Make replicas of my cross on a smaller scale and have them exorcised or blessed, so that you hang them on the back of the front door and on each door of the rooms of your home.

Have reserves of holy water, blessed salt and holy oil because you are going to need them for spiritual combat to exorcise yourself and your home. I tell you this, because in those days everything will be contaminated by the evil entities that will roam through the air. Bless and seal it all with my blood, breaking with the power of my blood the curses that the children of darkness will impose in those days. Litanies to my Precious Blood will exorcise you. The power of my Stations of the Cross will push back the demons and save many souls from being lost. So, be aware of these spiritual instructions that I give you, for they will serve you tomorrow so that you may remain standing in victory.

The Rosary of my Mother, the Rosary of my Precious Blood, the rosary of my Wounds, my Stations of the Cross, the Consecration to my Precious Blood, the Shield of my blood, given to my Enoch, the prayer and exorcism of our beloved Michael, the power of my Angels and the Triduum of the Holy Trinity are powerful spiritual weapons that will keep you protected and give you great victories over the forces of evil. Do not forget that before entering into spiritual warfare, you must put on your spiritual armor, wearing it like a soldier going into battle.

As you are doing the prayer of protection, you place it on your body like this: I put on the belt of truth, you pretend that you're putting on a belt, I put on the breastplate of righteousness, you pretend that you're putting on a breastplate. The shield of faith, you pretend that you are taking up a shield, the helmet of salvation, you pretend that you are putting a helmet on your head, sandals of peace, you imagine that you are putting on shoes and finally you pretend that you are wearing on your waist the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Do not forget to strengthen your armor by praying Psalm 91. This you must do in the morning and at night. So, be prepared, my flock, because the days of spiritual battle are about to begin.

My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the kingdom of God is near.

Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥