Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, March 23, 2025
You Have Now Reached the End of the Race, Prepare, Cooperate, Love, Be United in Prayer, You Are Close to the Great Day
Message from the Most Holy Virgin to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 22, 2025

Mother is coming!
I am here among you, My children, I bless you in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Here I am among you as always, as always I live this place, I never abandon it and I await with love your arrival, here at the Hill, to join My hands to your hands, to pray with you and to supplicate with you, the last apostles of this earth, the anticipated return of Jesus.
My children, shortly you will see the heavens open,...a great light will come! It will be the most beautiful day of your lives because you will know the face of your Creator.
Surrender yourselves completely into My hands so that I can lead you to My Son Jesus, can bring you to Him holy and immaculate in love, can delight you with the graces of Heaven and strengthen you in them.
Beloved children, you have been chosen for this ultimate mission on Earth, do not give up your arms, do not turn your back on your Jesus, collaborate for this Work, collaborate so that it may be ready and triumphant at the coming of the Savior Son Jesus Christ.
Jesus is quivering with anticipation to embrace you all to Himself, He wants to immerse you in His All, give you of Him and delight you with all that He possesses: the Father is in Him, in Him is the Holy Spirit, in Him will be celebrated the last Work in love and charity.
This place, My children, will shortly be unrecognizable, ...I have said it many times, but I repeat it again, the times are near, you are about to meet the Most High, you are about to enter the new life; everything will be in the transformation in God, you will be the children of the Most High and you will be angels in Heaven, you will return to the Father and you will enjoy again the Things of God in God.
His Universe is waiting for you to celebrate that day.
You have now reached the end of the race, prepare yourselves, cooperate, love one another, be united in prayer, you are close to the great day.
Most Holy Mary, God the Father Almighty, the Holy Spirit with the Son Jesus Christ, all united in One Heart and One Soul, bless you and take you to Heaven with them.
Soon you will see again what you have left behind to descend to Earth, to fight alongside Jesus for the final victory of His people, a victory in final salvation for God's children.
Onward! Creation groans, the earth is now at its birthing point, everything is at the end of all things evil, the transformation will be in the complete love of God and in the light of God.
I bless you in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go with a smile, with peace in your heart, be serene, no longer think of accumulating possessions on this Earth because nothing on this Earth will remain.
Prepare your hearts and prepare yourselves for the meeting with your God Love, bring to Him your works, bring to Him your charity, that which you have given here on Earth for His Project of Love. Amen.
Source: ➥