Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, March 23, 2025

Beloved Children, Too Many of My Children Live Far from God, I Ask You to Pray for Them and Witness with Your Lives, Made Up of Faith, Prayer, Love and Consistency

Message by the Mother of Love through Marco Ferrari in Paratico, Brescia, Italy on March 23, 2025, During the Prayer


My dear and beloved children, My heart rejoices to find you here in prayer! Thank you, My children!

My children, God's Mercy allows Me to set My feet again in this place to call you, My beloved children and the whole world, to return to God, to return to love, to return to live the Gospel of My Son.

Beloved children, too many of My children live far from God, I ask you to pray for them and witness with your lives, made up of faith, prayer, love and consistency, to the greatness of God's love for all His children.

I heartily bless My instrument today, with him all those who spread the message given here for the good of souls and those who suffer. I bless you all in the name of God who is Father, God who is Son, God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.

I hold you to My Heart and kiss you. Ciao, My children.

Source: ➥