Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, March 23, 2025

Children, Get Ready, the Hour Is Coming. Listen to Heaven’s Words and Put Them into Practice. Time Will Be Given to You, but Don’t Waste It. The Hours and Days Are Getting Shorter

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady Queen to Christine in France on March 16, 2025


THE LORD - The time will come and it will be time to recover the heart. Children, come to Me and I will mark you with the seal of My love, come and I will deliver you from the Evil One and his wiles. Take the path of ascension, the one that brings light to the heart and hope to the soul. Do not be afraid! Only in trust will you build your house, but build your house on the Rock that I am. Go forward and don't turn back, every step back distances you from Me. Be confident, be calm! The troublemakers are agitated because fear holds them back, they are like bloodthirsty beasts but without intelligence; their hearts are devoid of love and wisdom, they do not fight evil, but adhere to evil and only deconstruct.

Children of My courts, remain in My courts and give yourselves to Me, and I will mark you with My Seal, which will protect you from demons and troublemakers. Come to Me, bring your lives to Me and may St. Michael, with His sword, search you with His strength and with My Word of Life. Children, you are the last fighters who work in silence, because we don't work with weapons, but with the power of prayer. There is no greater, since prayer disarms the forces of the Enemy and he becomes furious, but can only bend the knee. Children of My Heart, I anoint you with My Strength and in you I carry My Word which is Life and Eternal Life. In Me the way is given to you and strength dwells in your dwellings. Do not fear, know that fear comes from the Liar.

Shame on the troublemakers, shame on the men whose hearts are mad and who lead the world to destruction! They make a pact with the Devil, and who will deliver them? Beloved children, turn away from the world and, in silence and prayer, join My Heavenly Homeland which awaits each one of you. With your mind in prayer you can reach Heaven and, in silence, find the way and My Archangel anoints you with My Strength. I come to you to bring you the Sun of Life that I am. Be confident, do not be afraid! The walls of shame and despair will crumble, and all those who foment divisions will walk in the mud and the mud will stick to their shoes. They will be entangled, trapped, because the Evil One who guides them will bring confusion within them. Those who choose destruction will go to destruction, those who build hatred will be harmed and those who foment wars will die in their sins. No one can cause innocent souls to die without carrying within them the loss of those innocent sacrifices, and the Righteous Judge that I am will pass sentence on them.

Don't be surprised by My words, but man must come to the Truth and take responsibility for his actions. Whoever rules must rule with love and not with a rod, because the rod will turn against him. Thus, he will learn what it is like to suffer from malicious authority, a return of the beating of the stick, according to the expression.

My children, be confident, but pray and prepare yourselves. Yes, you must prepare and put everything in order in your lives, in material life and in spiritual life. Do not relax your vigilance in order to remain confident. Beware of liars, they swarm and lead you astray. Only prayer with trust will show you the way. Children, know that you are not alone and that I am with you, I am with each one of you and I walk alongside each one of you. Have confidence, I have conquered death, you too will conquer and you will be freed from Satan's attacks. With Me, in Me you are given strength and you rise to the heights.

Children, I await you in the Light and bring you My peace. Be strong, have courage and pray, pray! Remain continually in Me and life in abundance will be given to you. I have conquered death, you will too! I have shown you the way to Heaven, walk in My ways and you will be with Me.

Go forward and don't come back! The Sun of Life is in every heart that opens to Me. Trust, persevere, children, I am at your side and I guide your steps on the path so that you do not fall and do not fall into temptation. Take My hand that I extend to you and walk with Me, you will not fall, but in My Light I will guide you and lead you. Peace to you, I give you My peace, I bring My peace to you. Remain in My love and you will live, enter into My peace and you will be victorious. May you be according to My Will!


THE LORD - I tell you to get ready and I come to prepare you. Don't panic, but act with wisdom and discernment and the time will be given to you. However, you must not fall asleep, whoever falls asleep prevents action and seeks to defeat My Will, but does not succeed and becomes angry, so he comes to disturb you to prevent your action. Children, let your action be Mine and you will not disperse and you will win. Time is still given, but there will come a time when there will be no more time. Act quickly, don't be disturbed or fall asleep. The tribulation is coming and it will take you by surprise. Also, always act, be prepared. Time is given to those who work but do not disperse, who act confidently and methodically. May you all act in accordance with My Will, which is love and liberation.

Free yourselves from the world, children, it is a liar and a deceiver. In silence, come to My side and I will bring you the Living Water of My Heart and guide you. Don't be afraid of the false shepherds, they won't last and will be swallowed up. Come to Me with confidence and I will show you the way. No problem will be able to reach you, because you will walk with Me in My footsteps and you will not get lost. Time is shortening because the great Time is coming, the times of tribulation that will be painful, but have faith, follow My path, listen to My voice and you will overcome the liars and the lies that cannot reach you.

Mary - Children of My Immaculate Heart, I come with My Son to free you from the attacks of evildoers and to place you under My mantle. I will give you time to prepare, but you will need to be firm and act methodically to be ready. Don't listen to liars or lies, but come to Me and I will show you the way. If you listen to My voice and practice My advice, you will act in due time. Don't waste time because time is precious, every minute counts. Know that the Evil One will do everything to distract, disturb and destabilize you. Also, always turn to My Holy Name and the Holy Name of My Son, and protection will descend upon you.

The time of the end is coming, be ready, be available to Our calls! We will give you time to prepare and act, but remain united and act according to Our two United Hearts, so that you defeat the demons and do not fall into temptation. Prepare yourselves, children of Our Two United Hearts, prepare yourselves and help each other, and you will be on your way. We are waiting for you. On the banks of the river of Our Hearts, come and place yours and we will take care to guide you and show you the right path for each of you. Everyone has their own mission, their own duty to fulfill and everyone finds peace when their action is fulfilled.

Do not fear, Heaven is watching and will awaken you at the Hour so that you do not lose your way and reach the courts of Heaven. Children, get ready, the Hour is coming. Listen to Heaven's words and put them into practice. Time will be given to you, but don't waste it. The hours and days are getting shorter. It is up to you to act and to act in accordance with Heaven and with Our Two United Hearts. I am and remain by your side to guide your steps on the path of Light. Keep trusting, working and praying, and temptation will not overwhelm you. Children, follow in Our footsteps and you will live and reach the fullness of Heaven. Stay confident, don't fall into the temptation of despair! The Evil One cannot deceive you if you don't listen to him. Act, work, remain in prayer and you will overcome the hundred thousand temptations that knock at your door to deceive you and take you.

Children, as your Mother, I am at your side and I accompany you. Live, work, pray and never lose heart! Children, keep going, time is running out, so hurry up and avoid distractions. There are many temptations, such as the temptation not to move forward, which disturbs you and makes you slow down along the way. I am with you and I accompany you. My Son with Me takes care of each of Our children who bring Us their calls and their trust. Yes, you will be freed from the tempters and the liars and you will walk on the right path, you will enter into trust. Act promptly and consistently and you will move forward. In Our Two United Hearts, come and receive support and you will find the strength to act and move forward.

Children, be blessed! With My maternal protection, I bless you in the Name of My Son who became a servant to save you and free you from the attacks of the Evil One. Trust, go forward and walk in surrender; in surrender you will be given strength and, in the contemplation of Our two United Hearts, you will find the way. Come on, don't waste time, but act!

Your mother

Source: ➥ t.Me/NoticiasEProfeciasCatolicas