Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Nothing Will Ever Be the Same Again!
Message from Our Savior Jesus Christ to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 26, 2023

Jesus is with you My beloved daughter!
Write, write to My beloved people:
serve Me, love Me, adore Me..and..follow Me as I ask! The terrible prophecies announced by the prophets of old and those of today are being fulfilled. Behold, the sun will now bring technology to its knees! My children, "those faithful to Me," are prepared for this event ... while ... "those far from Me" will enter despair; nothing will be the same as before! Create for yourselves a new heart, a pure heart, choose the way of eternal life O men, sin no more! The catastrophe will be sudden ...and, no one who is not sheltered in Me will be able to cope with the calamity.
My people:
beloved My people: ungrateful people, where do you want to go without Me,...your Creator God? Palliatives are of no use to heal and save you, only in Me is salvation! I love My children and will take them all back with Me ... therefore I say to you:
open your hearts to Me O men, return to Him who is true Life! Do not waste this call of infinite love!
God is One:
in Him alone is all you seek ... surrender to His All. In Heaven already the new life is being celebrated with the holy people :the faithful ones, the ones who have followed with love and servant surrender their King. I am the King of kings! Your Only Good is ME ... beloved children, I await you with open arms to embrace you in Me, shelter you in Me, ...give you of Me forever.
The Light of the world has come to you....
oh men...not all of you have recognized it, ...accepted it! Satan has managed to seduce many men: those who trusted him, his false promises .... those who did not understand that Lucifer will take them with him to hell!
Poor men!
Poor My children and "no longer Mine" by your own free will.
Wake up My children! The time has come to return to the Father's House, make your hearts vibrate with love for your Redeemer God. You are now at the precipice...Satan is grabbing you, his claws will not let go, open your eyes! Here you are before the war .... fight to have life and not death, O men...
It is I who call you to face the battle:
oh you who have repented ... cry to Me for help ... and. I will come to your rescue: I am ready to snatch you from Satan's claws.
Onward children of Love:
the new world is to be opened to all who wish to enter it to enjoy the wonders of God! Be astute: climb out of insecure situations! I will change the world; I will burn everything bad and turn it into good.
Go ahead!
You have reached the final chimes of the clock: shortly you will hear the gong that will mark the end of this old time to open the new. I remain in expectation of your repentance. Be vigilant, be pure! suddenly ...everything will change. The sun is at its strong explosions..."painful," for this Humanity that has deprived itself of the Shield of its Creator
Source: ➥