Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Seek the Light of the Lord and All the Darkness Produced by False Doctrines Will Be Dispelled
Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro Regis in Anguera, Bahia, Brazil on December 26, 2023

Dear children, fear not. Whoever is with the Lord should fear nothing. Your victory is in the Lord. The enemies are working to demolish the true faith, but they will not succeed. My devotees, through prayer and love of the truth, will prevent all the devil's actions against the true Church. As I have said in the past, the pain will be great, but the victory will be for the Lord and his elect.
Seek the Light of the Lord and all the darkness produced by false doctrines will be dispelled. Pray. Do not turn away from prayer. When you feel weak, call on Jesus and in Him you will find strength. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer for what comes to you. Give Me your hands and I will lead you to My Son Jesus. Go forward without fear! I will pray to My Jesus for you.
This is the message I am giving you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to gather you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.
Source: ➥