Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Accept the Holy Sacrament of Penance, the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael on December 19, 2023 at House Jerusalem to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

A large golden ball of light floats in the sky above us. The Holy Archangel Michael comes down to us from this large golden ball of light. He is dressed in the colors white and gold with a crown and a golden sword. St. Michael looks at us all and speaks:
"Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Accept the grace and mercy of your King of Mercy. He has chosen the golden sceptre for you. This is the sceptre of His grace and mercy. Accept the Holy Sacrament of Penance, the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is the way of His golden sceptre. He who has no contrition and repentance in his heart will one day be punished with the iron sceptre of His justice. Therefore choose mercy, dear souls. Quis ut Deus? From heaven I have come down to you. Ask for My friendship and I will look upon you. Ask for reparation before the Eternal Father, who has turned His merciful eyes upon you who do His will."
Now I see a second, smaller golden ball of light opening in the sky. St. Joan of Arc emerges from this smaller golden ball of light. She is carrying the Vulgate, the Holy Scriptures, in Her hands. I see the open passage of Holy Scripture: Ephesians 2, 1 - 10.
St. Joan of Arc speaks:
"Love with all your heart the Lord and Mary the Mother of God. Do not be confused in this time of tribulation. Open your heart wide to heaven. Rejoice, for the Archangel Michael prays for you at the throne of the Eternal Father. God's Son is gracious to you through His Apparition in His Holy Childhood. Be courageous, confess your faith! Become living witnesses, just as the saints of heaven were on earth. Let no sorrow enter your heart. All falsehood will quickly pass away. God is King, God is Lord and like a breeze, error will pass away if you ask for reparation, if you arise and set out, pray, sacrifice, repent and offer up the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Do not be afraid, be courageous!"
St. Joan of Arc looks at St. Michael the Archangel. Then St. Michael the Archangel speaks:
"Quis ut Deus? Already the Lord is calling His own: Remain vigilant! Not sin shall prevail, but I shall prevail! Amen.
St. Michael says to M. that He will now intervene in nature to shake people awake.
M.: "I know that you must do this. I know that you are lovely. The rain is for repentance, yes, I get it.
Thereupon the Archangel Michael says: "Quis ut Deus?"
M.: Deo gratias! Thank you, Holy Archangel Michael!
St. Michael takes his leave:
"Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Amen."
St. Michael the Archangel asks if we want to remain faithful to God.
M.: Yes, we will remain faithful.
St. Michael wants the prayer to Him in Latin. We pray it. I still receive the message to think of the French lily (these are the upcoming talks in France).
Then St. Michael the Archangel vanishes in the light and so does St. Joan of Arc.
This message is announced without prejudging the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Please look at the Bible passage Ephesians 2, 1 - 10 for the message.
Ephesians 2:1-10
From Death to Life
1 You were dead because of your transgressions and sins.
2 You were once imprisoned in it, as befits the nature of this world, under the dominion of that spirit which reigns in the realm of the air and is now still active in the disobedient.
3 We all once belonged to them, when we were still ruled by the desires of our flesh. We followed what the flesh and the evil mind gave us and were by nature children of wrath like the others.
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5 But God, who is full of mercy, in his great love with which he loved us, made us alive together with Christ, who were dead because of our sins. By grace you have been saved.
6 He raised us up with Christ Jesus and gave us a place in heaven together with him.
7 By dealing graciously with us in Christ Jesus, he wanted to show the coming ages the overflowing riches of his grace.
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, not by your own strength - God has given it,
9 not by your works, so that no one can boast.
10 We are his creatures, created in Christ Jesus to do in our lives the good works God prepared in advance for us to do.